Friday, May 31, 2019
Physics of Skydiving :: physics skydiving
The Forces at WorkGravity... God OBVIOUSLY intended for us to skydive. After all He DID create gravitational attractionSo exactly what puffs argon acting on the skydiver? Well, of course theres the obvious one, the force of gravity of the Earth. This force is exerted on everything on the Earth and is exerted on the skydiver nonetheless though there is no direct contact between the skydiver and the Earth. This type of force, when two objects exert forces on one another even though they are not touching, is known as a noncontact force.According to Newtons second law, the acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportionate to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the fold of the object orFnet =maThe gravitational force that the Earth exerts on the skydiver is equal to the weight of the object on Earth. The acceleration of the gravitational force is the acceleration collect to gravity (g), wh ich is the acceleration of an object down the stairs the sole influence of gravity. Thus, the weight of an object is a product of its mass and acceleration due to gravity orW=mgThe acceleration due to gravity (g) near the Earths surface is a constant that was determined to be 9.80 m/s. So, the weight of an object depends on how much mass an object has. The mass of an object is a quantitative measure of inertia, where inertia is the natural tendency of an object to stay at rest or in motion at a constant speed along a straight line. gentle wind ResistanceAnother force acting on the parachutist is air resistance. Air resistance is the colliding of an object with molecules of air. The falling skydiver collides with air molecules during the downward fall. These air molecules create a force pushing upward which is opposite to the skydivers direction, as well as the force of gravity. Air Resistance is more complicated force than the force of gravity because it is a nonconservative force. A nonconservative force is one in which the work it does on an object moving in between two points depends on the path of the motion between the two points. The amount of air resistance encountered by the skydiver depends in the main on two factors1 The speed of the skydiver.2 The cross-sectional area of the skydiver.An step-up in the speed and/or the amount of cross-sectional area leads to an increase in the amount of air resistance encountered.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Influences of Gender and the Southwest :: Essays Papers
Influences of Gender and the Southwest Gender influences women trickists in many ways. Some artists utilize their artwork to combat sexism. Others portray gender through their art in different ways than male artist might. Additionally, the careers of women artists may be influenced by their gender (or physical sex). The influence of the southwest is also very evident in the artwork of many artists who live or have lived here. Some are influenced by the diverse cultures who make this region their home. Others are influenced by the landscape. (I agnise that this paper is not representative of all of the cultures which have helped to shape the southwest. This was not intentional. It is primarily because, regretably, I had a hard time finding resources on women artists in the Southwest who were from cultures other than Euro-American, Native American and Mexican-American.) Through this paper, I hope to be able to show examples of a few of the many ways in which gen der and the southwest influence the lives and careers of southwestern women artists, and in turn, how many of these artists utilize their art to change peoples perceptions of gender, the southwest and southwestern cultures. One artist whose art is potently influenced by living in the southwest is Roz Driscoll. Driscoll lived in Arizona for seven years during the 1970s. According to Driscoll, the pieces in her exhibit, A Sense of Touch, . . . grew out of traditions such as Native American pueblos, Indian temples and wells, Egyptian tombs. They reflect themes as, plateaus, and canyons of the Southwest . . . (1999) Another artist whose work was potently influenced by the Southwest is Georgia OKeeffe, whose art was strongly influenced by the landscape of New Mexico. In fact, . . . that regions dramatic mesas, ancient Spanish architecture, vegetation, and desiccated terrain became her constant themes. ( Gale, 1998 ) Culture differences in the Southwest have also been visualized through the artwork of many Southwestern women artists. The artwork of Carmen Lomas Garza, who has spent much of her life in Texas, is strongly influenced by her Chicana heritage.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Analysis of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodice by Muriel Spark Essay
Analysis of The Prime of elude Jean Brodice by Muriel SparkThe Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is a refreshed about a t to each oneers dedication to her pupils. It is also about fealty and betrayal. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is a novel about a teachers dedication to her pupils. It is also about loyalty and betrayal. The novel emphasises the effects of dedication, loyalty and betrayal within a small group of great deal and the way in which they are all intertwined. It forces the reader to look at particular aspects of these themes. When has dedication g star too far? To what extent is loyalty receivable to a nonher? Can betrayal be justified? These themes are joined when a teachers dedication becomes interference in her students life forcing that student to retract her loyalty and put a stop to the situation, an action branded by the teacher as betrayal. The most plain theme in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is that dedication to the young has a definite limit, it should stop at gu idance. It becomes evil when it is extended to domination of their and solicitude of their lives. Miss Brodie is very protective of her class of 1931, she feels the are the crme de la crme and they attract her special dedication. Miss Brodie took them to the theatre, to galleries and museums where they were encouraged to emulate the dedication of virile female figures such as Pavlova and Sybil Thorndike. However, her dedication is deep These are the years of my prime. You are benefiting by my primeones prime is the moment one was born for. (P44) Miss Brodie believed that her great dedication was in the best interests of her girls. However, it is quite apparent that the girls do not receive a prime education. Miss Brodie felt up that the knowledge the girls were meant to have for exams was unimportant If there are any intruders, we are doing our history lesson our poetry English gramma The small girls held up their books with eyes not on them, but on Miss Brodie. (P11) It is impos sible to deny that Miss Brodie had great dedication towards her girls. However, her motives for her dedication and the lengths she goes to are in her own interests rather than in the interests of her girls. Miss Brodies dedication to her girls went too far, she went beyond the stage of merely bringing out the best in the girls and began too meddle in their lives It was plain... ... her last was regrettable but inevitable. The themes of dedication, loyalty and betrayal in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie are all quite closely connected. Miss Brodie is liked to a God figure She thinks she is Providence, she thinks she is the God of Calvin, she sees the beginning and the end (P120) Her dedication is largely focused on her set, who can be seen as her disciples, and Sandy who would therefore be Judus. The difference being that Sandys betrayal is justified Its only possible to betray where loyalty is due, said Sandy. Well, wasnt it due to Miss Brodie? Only up to a point, said Sandy (P127) The three themes of dedication, loyalty and betrayal are all closely knit and so they complement each other in the way they are woven into the story. As Miss Brodies girls were being formed, Miss Brodies nature was also growing and the principals establishment the end of her prime started with her dedication, climaxed with a breach of loyalty and finished with a betrayal. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie demonstrates clearly that dedication should stop at guidance, that loyalty is due only up to a point and that betrayal can be justifiable.
Exploring Reincarnation :: Religion Culture Cultural
Exploring reincarnation Missing Works Cited For as long as valet de chambre has been on this earth, one of the most popular questions without a finite answer has been, what happens after we die? Each culture, religion, organization, family, and any other group of people has had their throw views about this subject for as far back as history goes, and probably even farther. One particular answer to this question is reincarnation. The simple chance variable of reincarnation is re-birth. When one dies, they lose their physical being, but their soul lives on and is re-born into another body. According to the Buddhists, Central to the belief in rebirth is the idea of an several(prenominal) stream-consciousness. As an unceasing flux of primal spiritual energy, it acts as a concurrent link with the new body conceived in the mothers womb. The genius of rebirth is closely linked with, or is the effect of, past thoughts and deeds. Rebirth is thus an essential part of the natural law of causality. (pg. 74, child incarnate) The western demesne has traditionally been quick to dismiss the idea of reincarnation as nay say. They dont believe it is possible for someone to be reborn into a new body, most of the time due to religion, mainly Christianity and Judaism, both of which have rejected reincarnation as a valid theory. The Eastern half of the cosmos however, has consistently accepted reincarnation. Four hundred million Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs believe in reincarnation according to statistics. (Christie-Murray, 50) Although the western world has had increasing numbers of people believe in reincarnation, it is still widely disregarded. In the west, we live in a very materialistic age, and for that reason, very little consideration is given to anything besides the present. Reincarnation should not be disregarded so easily however, because there argon a lot of logical reason it can be, and probably is, true. There is overcome evidence of rein carnation beliefs in every period of time, so it is not some notion that was recently just made up for comfort or stability. There are many stories of people who can remember vivid details of their former lives, and even biological evidence such as birthmarks that are a result of an injury in a prior life. Reincarnation can also be a good explanation for child geniuses standardised Mozart, and even the current Dali Llama.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 :: essays research papers
1984     I think that todays society is a "half version" of George Owells novel,1984, in some shipway it is similar and in others, uniquely different. The closestwe come today to a "Big Brother" is the mob. The people are also controlled bywatchful gage cameras and subliminal messages. However, something in lifetoday is very different from that of 1984, it is the people. In the words of thefamous lyricist, "Power to the People."     In analyzing "Big Brother," there are similarities among it and themob. The Mafia is a crime family that can see everything, there is no goingagainst the mob or else someone is going to die. The Mafia is so widespread thatit has operatives all over keeping an eye out for cops or law enforcement, thisis the Mafias "telescreens" (Orwell 6). Another startling similarity betweenthe mob and "Big Brother" is the Mafias weird way of making someone disappearor "vapor ize" (Orwell ). Almost unknowingly a persons identity can be changed,altered, or deleted.     Authorities routine security and surveillance cameras to observe criminalactivities or possibly every day activities. Too much surveillance libertiesare given to police or FBI. By using hi-tech cameras which can actuallydocument a persons life. Unknowingly, there may be a cute little camerainstalled in the bedroom.     Another way that todays society controls the masses is subliminalmessages. Illegal now, subliminal messages were widely used in theentertainment business, especially during the fifties. An example is that moviemakers would transmit a split-second commercial add for popcorn and soda during amovie. Customers would actually be manipulated into buying these products. Eventhough, this kind of brainwashing is illegal, it is still very unspoken to detect,whos to say that we are not bombarded by subliminal messages just by watchingcommer cials on television. This is too risky, to think that a persons actionsand emotions can be swayed by someone elses perversions. Again, this is verysimilar to 1984.     Of all the things there are today that would make it impossible forthere to be an inner or outer party, as in 1984, is that there is each other.No matter how hard our government tries, they cannot reach everyone. Contrary to1984, where they do get everyone, I feel that was extreme and unlikely. I findit highly unlikely that a form of government can find a way to get the whole
George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 :: essays research papers
1984     I think that directlys society is a "half version" of George Owells novel,1984, in some ways it is similar and in others, uniquely different. The nearestwe come today to a "Big Brother" is the mob. The people are also controlled bywatchful security cameras and subliminal messages. However, something in lifetoday is very different from that of 1984, it is the people. In the words of thefamous lyricist, "Power to the People."     In analyzing "Big Brother," there are similarities between it and themob. The Mafia is a crime family that female genital organ see everything, there is no goingagainst the mob or else someone is going to die. The Mafia is so widespread thatit has operatives entirely over keeping an tenderness out for cops or law enforcement, thisis the Mafias "telescreens" (Orwell 6). Another startling similarity betweenthe mob and "Big Brother" is the Mafias strange way of m aking someone dissolveor "vaporize" (Orwell ). Almost unknowingly a persons identity send away be changed,altered, or deleted.     Authorities use security and surveillance cameras to observe distressingactivities or possibly every day activities. Too much surveillance libertiesare given to police or FBI. By using hi-tech cameras which can actuallydocument a persons life. Unknowingly, there may be a cute little camerainstalled in the bedroom.     Another way that todays society controls the spate is subliminalmessages. Illegal now, subliminal messages were widely used in theentertainment business, especially during the fifties. An example is that moviemakers would add a split-second commercial add for popcorn and soda during amovie. Customers would actually be manipulated into buying these products. Eventhough, this kind of brainwashing is illegal, it is still very hard to detect,whos to say that we are not bombarded by subliminal messages just by watchingcommercials on television. This is too risky, to think that a persons actionsand emotions can be swayed by someone elses perversions. Again, this is verysimilar to 1984.     Of all the things there are today that would make it impossible forthere to be an inner or outer party, as in 1984, is that there is each other.No matter how hard our government tries, they cannot reach everyone. Contrary to1984, where they do get everyone, I feel that was extreme and unlikely. I findit highly unlikely that a form of government can find a way to get the whole
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Chronic Lyme Disease Health And Social Care Essay
Lyme disease is a terrible public wellness issue. It is the most(prenominal) common tick-borne infection in the northern hemisphere of the universe ( Feder et al 2007 ) . In North America it is caused but by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu strict ( henceforth referred to as B. burgdorferi ) , while in Europe it is caused by B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. burgdorferi, and infrequently by other sorts of borrelia ( Feder et al 2007 ) . Lyme disease back be reasonably easy to handle in some patients. However, for some patients, it can go like an eternal conflict. Chronic Lyme disease ( CLD ) , which has been making much contention, is a systemic, disabling status which persists in nastiness of the therapy. There is an on- leaving argument if there is such(prenominal) a disease that can be classified as a CLD among scientists. Because of the fact that there is no defined trial for the presence of CLD, health misgiving suppliers assume to trust to a great extent on patients signals in most of the instances of reoccurrence. Furthermore, as CLD patients represent a instance of Heterogeneity of Treatment Effect ( HTE ) which indicates patient s response to the same intervention varies in different patients, it makes it harder to generalise the definition of CLD. Different Lyme patients have different responses to a standardised intervention. ( super acid 2009 ) Furthermore, the intervention of the CLD is ill-defined at this minute ( Marques 2008 ) hence making the uncertainty if there is of all time a disease to be cured. Some scientists suggest utilizing antibiotics as a intervention for CLD ( Stricker 2007 ) while others consider it as a mistreatment ( Hodzic et al 2008 ) .In this paper, I go forth get down with the general information of Lyme disease and analyze the groundss of the being of CLD. Furthermore, I will discourse the way of the farther surveies for the intervention of the disease ground on the surveies that were conducted through break through the clip . Besides, I will take a expression at the opposing side of the statement postulateing nonentity of CLD and discourse the exposure that their claim possesses.Why does the being of CLD affair?Lyme disease in the United States of America is bit by bit increasing everyplace overaged ages, and the coverage instances of Lyme disease in 2009 is making 38,000 instances which is twice every bit much comp ard to the instances in 2006 which was 20,000. ( Centers for Disease Control and Pr steadytion 2009 ) ( Figure 1 ) The country of infection has broadened, and health cargon suppliers have seen Lyme disease instances in virtually all provinces in the United States. However, it is still true that most reported instances are significantly concentrated in the Middle atlantic States, Minnesota, coastal Northeast, and northern California. Lyme disease can be found in the other continent including Asia and Europe. ( NIH 2008 ) Therefore, a batch of patients are changeless from Lyme disease an d it is estimated that more than 30 % of Lyme disease patients reach the phase where the symptoms are relentless more than few hebdomads despite the intervention. ( NIH 2008 ) However, irrespective the figure of patients who are unchangeable from these conditions referred as CLD, there is still an on-going argument sing being and intervention of this disease. Approximately 11,400 people were enduring from CLD in 2009 harmonizing to the coverage instances of 38,000 and 30 % rate of going CLD. In a terrible instance ( Cameron 2006 ) , about 66 % of 215 Lyme disease patients diagnosed in Westchester County, New York, USA remained sick afterward intervention for an norm of 3.2 old ages. If this affair remains unsolved, it will ensue a effect where patients can non acquire a proper intervention for CLD. It is an pressing affair for scientists to happen out a solid intervention to profit those patients.So, does CLD be?Lyme disease, a many-sided infection, has a legion aim symptoms inclu ding febrility, concern, stiff cervix, and fatigue. The most typical and common symptom of Lyme disease is a characteristic tegument lesion called erythema migrans ( EM ) roseola which appears in the archeozoic phase of Lyme disease. On the other manus, the most common symptom that can be seen in CLD is pauciarticular arthritis, and certain neurologic and cardiac manifestations, all of which normally respond good to conventional antibiotic therapy. ( NIH 2008 ) Other than symptoms, there are some(prenominal) groundss to turn out the being of CLD.As mentioned in the beginning, it is estimated that 30 % of Lyme disease patients develop farther status called CLD. Although after the antibiotic intervention take precaution of the infection in most instances ( Klempner et al. 2001 ) , a minority of patients have musculoskeletal hurting, concentration trouble, short-run memory trouble, tiredness, or all of these symptoms with or without clinical or serologic grounds of old early or lat e Lyme disease. ( Feder et al. 2007 ) It is thought to be a CLD when a patient exhibits these self-limiting and normally mild conditions longer than about 6 months. ( Nau et al. 2009 )Thirty-four per centum of a population-based, retrospective cohort great deal in Massachusetts was discovered to hold neurocognitive damage, arthritis or recurrent arthralgias, and neuropathy or myelopathy, a call up of 6 old ages after intervention for Lyme disease. ( Cameron 2010 ) In a cohort survey of 215 in turn treat Lyme disease patients in Westchester County ( Asch et al. 1994 ) , 62 per centum of patients had symptoms such as arthralgias, arthritis, and cardiac or neurologic engagement with or without weariness a mean of 3.2 old ages after intervention. ( Cameron 2010 ) In the tests of Klempner et Al. ( 2001 ) , there were studies that 41 % of topics exhibiting with well-documented, previously treated Lyme disease had relentless musculoskeletal hurting, neurocognitive symptoms, or dysesthe sia, frequently associated with weariness and were ill during a mean of 4.7 old ages after oncoming.In a survey utilizing mice ( Hodzic et al. 2008 ) , relentless infection was documented by feeding ticks upon the mice and so proving the ticks for spirochaetes ( xenodiagnosis ) after 30 yearss of antibiotic ( Rocephin or Vibramycin ) intervention. This infection could be find by xenodiagnosis for about 3 months after antibiotic intervention. Besides, relentless infection was confirmed by sensing of low degrees of spirochetal DNA in tissues for up to 9 months. Furthermore, Four National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) sponsored tests were conducted as double-blind randomised placebo- controlled tests ( RCTs ) corroborating the being and badness of CLD ( Cameron 2010 )There are still uncertaintiesThe 2006 Infectious Diseases Society of America ( IDSA ) Lyme disease intervention rule of thumb panel inquired the being of CLD despite the documented grounds that were presented including th e 1s provinces above. The IDSA panel questioned the being of CLD and concluded by stating that there is considerable contention and confusion exist over the cause and frequence of this procedure and even over its being. ( Cameron 2010 )Besides, some of CLD patients have negative consequence with the trials provided to find Lyme disease thereby does non prise up for the intervention. ( Green 2009 ) CDC ( 2010 ) proposes a two-step process when proving blood to find manifestation of Lyme disease. The first measure uses an ELISA or IFA trial. If ELISA or IFA is negative, it is considered that patient most probable does non hold Lyme disease, and no farther testing is recommended. If they are positive or ambiguous, a 2nd measure should be carried out to verify the consequences. These trials can endow a falsified consequence due to its sensitiveness of the trials are comparatively high. Therefore, about everyone with Lyme disease, and some people who do non hold Lyme disease, will pr ove positive. The 2nd measure employs an immunoblot such as a Western smudge or striped smudge trial. When used suitably, this trial is designed to be specific, significance that it will typically be positive merely with an septic individual. It suggests that the first trial was a false positive if the Western smudge is negative.Furthermore, the fact there is no decided trials to name or intervention to bring around CLD causes a uncertainty whether there is an existent disease to be treated. ( Green 2009 )Further groundss of CLDLyme disease is diagnosed based on physical findings, symptoms, and a history of possible debut to infected ticks.A ( Klempner et al. 2001 ) Validated laboratory trials such as ELISA, IFA, and immunoblot could be really utile but are non recommended in general when a patient has erythema migrans.A Several signifiers of research lab proving for Lyme disease are offered ( Table 1 Feder et Al. 2007 ) , some of which have non been sufficiently validate such as urine antigen trials, immunofluorescent staining for cell wall-deficient signifiers of B. burgdorferi, and lymphocyte transmutation trials ( CDC ) Most normally used and recommended trials are blood trials that step antibodies made in response to the infection. These trials are rather reliable for naming ulterior phases of disease, but it can be falsely negative in patients with early disease. Some patients with early Lyme disease who are treated with antibiotics will non bring forth antibody response to infection, which will ensue in continuously negative serologic trial consequences. ( Ogden et al. 2008 ) change surface with those methods of diagnosis, it is really difficult to stipulate CLD from the early phases of Lyme disease. In some patients, symptoms reoccur after the intervention or symptoms neer go off in other instances. ( Klempner et al. 2001 ) The raillery chronic has been used to Lyme disease widely. There are some illustrations where other diseases use the term c hronic. For case, there is a chronic neuroborreliosis in Europe, and it is referred as when patients generate late neurologic manifestations of untreated or inadequately treated infection. Besides, United States has studies patients with recurrent or relentless arthritis that lasts for up to several old ages, most likely because of active infection. ( Feder et al. 2007 )However, although there are no definite trials to name CLD yet, there are four classs that can be used as a diagnosing of CLD depending on patient s status. ( Feder et al. 2007 ) ( Figure 2 ) Class 1 patients do non hold laboratory grounds or nonsubjective clinical manifestations of B. burgdorferi, and they fit a diagnosing based on the presence of non-specific symptoms such as dark perspiration, weariness, depression, and concern. Category 2 patients have identifiable unwellnesss or syndromes other than Lyme disease, and patients may or may non hold a history of Lyme disease. Category 3 patients have symptoms of unknown cause, with antibodies against B. burgdorferi but no history of nonsubjective clinical findings that are consistent with Lyme disease. Last, category 4 patients have symptoms associated with post-Lyme disease syndrome. Sing the tests and the experiments presented, it is non difficult to state that the decision should be tilting towards to the being of CLD. Although symptoms vary among patients showing HTE ( Marques 2008 ) , these classs can be a good index to place a patient in CLD patient pool.Furthermore, although there is no trial to corroborate presence of CLD, there is anyhow no clinically available proving up to day of the month to turn out that B. burgdorferi infection has been eradicated. However, there has been some proving demonstrated, that B. burgdorferi can stay in compensate beings and worlds in an infective province, even after with recommended antibiotic intervention. ( Hodzic et al. 2008 )TreatmentThe following inquiry that arises sing CLD is its interv ention. Since authorities ( CDC ) clarified their place with the being of CLD and confirmed it as a legitimate diagnosing, except some of those scientists who strongly deny the diagnosing, the contention about CLD moved onto the intervention of CLD. Some scientists claim that antibiotics should be used as a intervention ( Green 2009, Klempner 2007, and Fallon et Al. 2007, ) while other scientists say antibiotics should non be recommended as a intervention. ( Hodzic et al. 2008 ) Generally, for early Lyme disease, a short class of unwritten antibiotics such as Vibramycin or Amoxil is curative in the greater portion of the instances. In more complex instances, Lyme disease can normally be thrivingly treated with 3 toA 4 hebdomads of antibiotic therapy, and so far, it is the lone intervention for Lyme disease. ( Fallon et al. 2007 ) However, there is no solid remedy for CLD and it is a really sensitive issue whether antibiotics should be used or non for this diagnosing. There are seve ral surveies conducted demoing reoccurrence of Lyme disease symptoms and betterment of symptoms with drawn-out antibiotic intervention. ( Green 2009, Klempner et Al. 2001, Fallon et Al. 2007, and Oksi 2007 )Some patients treated with antibiotics for CLD in a dual blind, placebo-controlled re-treatment surveies ( Fallon et al. 2007 ) , which have neurocognitive via media and weariness, acquire better upon re-treatment with 3-10 hebdomads of Ceftriaxone. ( Fallon et al. 2007 ) discovered that patients re-treated for partial response/failure improved in parametric quantities of weariness, hurting and functionality. They at any rate found that neurocognitive via media did non heighten, even though Fallon found that patients improved at the three-month measuring, but did non keep betterment at the six-month measuring.Oksi ( 2007 ) conducted a partial re-treatment test and partial new patients. All patients were treated with Ceftriaxone for 3 hebdomads and improved 79 % for both new onco ming borreliosis and return or continuity. This survey was intended to prove if longer interventions after 3 hebdomads of IV Ceftriaxone had an improved result. In this survey, 10 hebdomads of farther intervention with unwritten Amoxicillin ( 1500mg a twenty-four hours ) did non advance better result.This test has statistical restrictions due to HTE which makes it complicated to generalise the result to all station intervention Lyme patients. Although non all parametric quantities in survey of Fallon et Al. ( 2007 ) continued betterment, betterment in weariness is an highly of import result, frequently allowing handicapped patients to return to household tone and work. Because of the power of these three surveies, length of the surveies, dependable methods they used, and big figure of topics, these surveies should be considered pilot lamp surveies.As indicated earlier, there are several classs among CLD patients. Although antibiotics intervention was effectual in some patients, it is non clear whether it should be introduced to all patients who suffer from CLD, since the maltreatment of antibiotics could ensue in have considerable damage in their health-related quality of life. A survey was conducted by Mark Klempner in 2001 ( Klempner 2001 ) demoing the serious damage of health-related life quality after the long period debut to the antibiotics.DecisionAs demonstrated, response of Lyme patients to the same therapy is different from patient to patient, clear uping that Chronic Lyme patient exhibit Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects ( HTE ) . This besides makes it difficult to name the presence of CLD in persons. However, clinical groundss indicate that there is a disease that can be classified as CLD.CLD can go terrible. The restrictions in physical operation can be harming quality of life in a serious manner. One survey ( Klempner 2001 ) described the quality of life for patients who suffer from CLD as the same to that of patients with degenerative arthriti s or congestive bosom failure, and patients physical damage was greater than damage of patients with type 2 diabetes or a recent myocardial infarction. Fallon et Al. ( 2007 ) described the weariness reported by patients with CLD was likewise to that of patients with multiple induration ( MS ) and their hurting was similar to those of postsurgery patients.Cautiously designed, placebo-controlled surveies have been successful to demo that drawn-out antibiotic therapy is good in certain instances. Even though stray success instances are ever good to hear, such studies entirely are non plenty evidences to prolong a curative attack.Therefore, it is of import for clinicians to recognize the significance of intervention in single patients who is enduring from CLD and the effort to happen a clear declaration should be pursued in farther tests and experiments.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Cross Cultural Issues Essay
With hot topics like globalization and cross- heathenish opportunities in the Asia Pacific rim, one great power think it would be easy to research the implications of cross cultural issues. Rather, what the author found was a significant discussion all around the periphery provided if little in-depth analysis. Discussion prevailed on the socio-economic and technological ramifications. Others resources guidanceed on the row issues but little work was intuitively available on the subtleties of cross cultural issues one may wager.Based on experience working in the Asia Pacific rim for two years as a PMO Manager, and training PMs in many European countries, I decided that understanding international socio-cultural issues encountered in business is essentially at the heart of the issues companies ordain encounter in globalizing operations. Therefore, the writer will approach the crosscultural issues from a personalized understanding based on his many months of first hand mistakes in understanding cultural issues encountered in Asia Pacific.I will base my observations of cross-cultural issues on my experiences in working most closely with individuals from China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, and India. Naturally there atomic number 18 more countries in the Pacific Rim but these mentioned provided the most opportunity for interaction. I want to in addition acknowledge the contributions of my wife, Helena Shiu Leung Chow Ballow, whom I initially met in Asia. Her wisdom, coaching, and important insights on the many differences between Western and Eastern business and cultural practices were, and remain till this day, illuminating, helpful and daunting.Introduction Clearly we all understand to most degree the impact of cultural issues in communications. If nothing else, we have encountered situations where language was the barrier. But language may be the smallest of the issues when dealing with other cultures. Even when we make out our Tra nslation Guides or employ translators we may get pass some of the language difficulties. But from the writers experience, language is the least of the issues. ingrain and systemic patterns of cultural behaviours can be so subtle as to completely deny meaningful communications.I found a really uncorrupted example of just how easily cultural variances can cause communications problems. In this case the issues was psychological filtering of appearance or gesture. I would think is would also be easy for the reader to extrapolate this example into some experiences that may have encountered even in the West. Timofeev (2002), in an article in National Concepts and Globalization, provided the quest example The idea or rather the hypothesis that underlies this paper was stimulated by a trivial chat with a friend of mine.Being a linguist by trade, Russian by origin and living in Finland, she is well aware of cross-cultural discrepancies and provided me with a curious example. It was a TV mercantile of an international brand of Persil washing powder. Two young ladies were shown sitting in a crowded place, some restaurant or a cafe. One of the ladies notices instead a peculiar manner her friend has chosen to wear her wristwatch. It was placed above the cuff of her blouse. It turned out in a second that the only reason for placing her watch there was to cover some stain that regular detergents failed to deal with.Oh dear, you should use Persil instead So everything was straight and simple. But before that, when the paying attention and thoughtful lady was describing her version of her friends peculiar manner of wearing her watch in Finnish (and I guess that the German, French and slope versions were quite similar to that in Finnish), she said You are such a busy person. You have to wear your watch so that it can always be seen. While in Russian the same lady made quite a different guess Your watch must be terribly expensive since you wear it so that everyone can no tice it. The Russian version, when translated into English, seems to be full of irony it describes the ladys manner as showing off. It would definitely countervail the main purpose of the ad, which was to provide a friend and those watching the commercial with thoughtful advice about using detergents. (p. 1) To understand the issues we must start with a role model definition of culture. There are just too many definitions of culture, and even speaking the same language, we might get off tract pretty quickly. So, the writer did some research and decided on the following foundational definition of culture upon which to proceed.This is summarized by Kim (1999) As the author himself confesses that there are 160 different definitions of the consideration culture and picks up the definition of scholar Clyde Kluckhohn. According to him, Culture consists of patterned ways of thinking, feeling and reacting, acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of h uman groups, including their frame in artifacts the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i. e. historically derived and selected) ideas and attached values. continued 2004, 2005 Dennis G.Ballow, Sr. , PMKT, Inc. , All Rights Reserved Globalization and Cross-Cultural Issues in protrude Management, page 2 Another scholar, Triandis, presents a psychological perspective to the description. Culture is a subjective perception of the human made part of the environment. And this includes the categorization of social stimuli, associations, beliefs, attitudes, roles, and values individuals share. Culture thus is a melting pot consisting of many things gathered over a period of time in which religion and language play a great role. (p. 228)Now, with a definition of culture in hand, and a real life example to back up the idea, we will tactile property at some relatively common cultural issues that impact communication, and thus, also have implications for Western corporati ons working in the Asia Pacific Rim. Cross-Cultural Issues and Implications I will present the materials in a table format such that it may be easier to digest.A simple summary provided by Bhagat et al (2002 provides a heavy stepping-stone for analysis of the cross-cultural issues Cross-border transfer of organizational knowledge is most effective in terms of both velocity and viscosity when the type of knowledge (i. . , human, social, or structured) being transferred is simple, explicit, and independent and when such transfers involve similar cultural contexts. In contrast, transfer is least effective when the type of knowledge being transferred is complex, tacit, and systemic and involves heterogeneous cultural contexts. (p. 204) Table 1 Cross-cultural Implications Asian (China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan) and the West Cross-culture Dimension Language Implications Asian Perspective Not that complicated to the Asian. Foreigners should have more note and learn the language.American Perspective English is the international business language so everyone should use it. Implications It is generally good practice to localize materials when feasible. Local lyric poem and expressions sometime just do not properly translate for English and may actually be offensive. A focus on team activities and collaborationism vs. individual competitive activities is preferred. Individualism vs. Collectivism Strong Collectivism The Asians depend more on groups or institutions to determine what they should do and emphasize loyalty to the group.They are more likely to cooperate with others to avoid risks and reduce responsibilities. Their value systems appreciate duty to the group and harmony among its members while pursuing personal goals is viewed rather negatively in Asia. The Asian person does not consider contracts as seriously as the Americans. They think there will always be changes and the contracts can be reasonably modified according to changes. In stead, they run away to pay more attention to relationships than contracts.Strong Individualism They rely on their own view to determine what they should do. They tend to work alone and are reluctant to cooperate because their individualism and masculine culture view cooperation in general as a sign of helplessness and place a high value on independence and control. Americans place greater importance on contractual safeguards than the Asian. They believe that contracts can ensure that their partners tendencies to focus on individual goals and aspirations do not interfere with their own individual goals and aspirations.Cooperation Nothing is cast in stone for the Asians. Authority is seldom, if ever, challenged. But when encouraged and hope is gained by the instructor, students will interact better, and challenge each other in a negotiative manner as not to create a save smell problem. This takes much longer that you will ever plan so take time to let the process work itself th rough. Asian employees seldom have the portion to really participate in the decision-making process. So activities requiring decisions may well take longer. continued
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Huckââ¬â¢s Enlightenment Essay
Throughout Mark Twains Adventures huckleberry Finn, huckaback challenges everything society has taught him about racism and eventually forms his testify beliefs, based experience. When huckaback and Jim first decide to runaway with one a nonher, they form a friendship that is merely based on survival. At the beginning of their companionship, huck does not recognize that Jim has feelings, so he plays a cruel trick with a snake he also fails to make an apology. During their journey down the multiple sclerosis River, Jims humanity bewilders huck. When huckaback tells Jim about King Solomon, whom Huck believes to be the wisest of men, Jim takes an interesting perspective and argues it relentlessly Huck is surprised and claims that he has never seen a spade do such a thing. As Huck and Jim overcome each obstacle in their journey, particularly when Huck learns to apologize to Jim, their friendship strengthens from one that is founded on survival to a relationship that is built on comp assion. Huck then starts to question what society has taught him about race and begins to form his own beliefs.When Huck and Jim stake on their expedition society still has a strong influence on Hucks beliefs, this is evident in the snake incident on Jackson Island. in the beginning Jim and Huck leave Jackson Island, Huck decides to play a cruel joke on Jim. Huck hides a snake near Jims foot, hoping that when Jim wakes up it pass on scare him. However, Huck forgets that the snake will attract its mate, and sure enough, the mate returns and bites Jims ankle. Hucks carelessness shows us that he does think of Jim as a human yet.Although Huck feels foolish for forgetting about the snake, he does not apologize to Jim. In fact, Huck vows never to allow Jim know that he was responsible for the snakebite, I warnt going to let Jim find out it was all my fault, not if I could help it. (p. 53) This incident shows that Huck does not care for Jim as if he were a human Huck jeopardizes Jims sa fety and does not even apologize afterwards. Despite this incident, Huck and Jims friendship grows with time.After leaving the Walter Scott wreck, Huck and Jim continue down the Mississippi River. One afternoon, Huck tells Jim about King Solomon the wise, and a debate ensues. Although neither probably sees the significance of King Solomons story, Jim takes the story literally and argues that KingSolomon was unwise because he wanted to cashier a baby between two women. Jim claims that having half a baby is worthless and that King Solomon is unwise for considering this. Although this is not the actual point of the story, Huck is not able to prove Jim wrong. After giving up the argument, Huck states, I never seen such a nigger. If he got a notion in his channelize once, there warnt no getting it out again. (p.78) Jims persistence against Huck, a white person, makes him appear to be more human.As Huck and Jim continue on their journey, they flack the Ohio River. Before they can get t o land, a thick fog causing them to lose all sense of direction separates Huck and Jim. Eventually, Huck is reunited with Jim, who is sleeping on the raft when Huck arrives. When Jim awakes, he is elated to see Huck, but Huck tries to trick Jim and pretends that Jim simply dreamed their separation. Jim finally notices that he did not dream this, and that Huck is playing another cruel joke. Jim becomes upset at Huck for making him feel like a fool after he worried so much about him. At first, Jims reaction dumbfounds Huck, but then realizes that Jim felt worried, like any other human would be.Huck struggles to apologize because he has been brought up in a racist society where it is unheard of to ask for a slaves forgiveness. After some time, Huck decides to apologize to Jim and explains, It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a niggerI wouldnt done that one if Id a knowed it would make him feel that way. (p. 86) This apology is significant bec ause it shows that unlike the snake incident, Huck apologizes to Jim as if he were a human. Jims humanity is becoming more evident to Huck.At the beginning of Hucks journey with Jim, Huck sees Jim as property. However, as their relationship develops, so does Hucks understanding of Jims humanity. By the end of their voyage, Huck fully recognizes Jim as a person, despite what society has taught him. Hucks unlearning is significant to him because he now sees slavery from a different perspective and the evil that lies behind it. Hucks experiences with Jim and his recognition as a human can teach us to make our decisions without influence from society.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Merchant of Venice – Shylock
moneylender is The Merchant of Venice In William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice, there are many themes, symbols and words alike which take on a complex and dual nature. Not only can lines in the play be interpreted by the reference in multiple ways, they are meant to move over multiple meanings. This duality can be bump inton in the shares as well. loan shark is portrayed as both a dupe and a villain and our sense of him evolves as his character is revealed to us as The Merchant of Venice. We are first introduced to Shylock in Act I circumstance III when we learn about his job as a moneylender. During this period of time, Jewish people were very limited in the jobs they could obtain they were looked down upon by, and on the fringe of, society. While the Christians could lend money, it was immoral and against church rule for them to charge any type of interest, it was usurious. However, there was nothing to forbid Jewish lenders from making a living by charging interest. Th ey did so to survive and were despised for such an immoral and disgraceful practice.Bassanio goes to Shylock for a loan to be throw awayn in Antonios name. Upon Antonios entering, Shylock displays his disdain for Antonio in an aside, How like a fawning publican he looks / I hate him for he is Christian, / but more(prenominal) for that in start simplicity / he lends out money gratis (1. 1. 41-45). His hatred is dual in nature Antonio lends money without interest threatening the existence of his job as a moneylender. Also, Antonio is prejudiced against the Jews and has humiliated and insulted Shylock publicly for both his lending practices and his religion.This is revealed when Shylock asks Antonio why he should lend money to someone who has, rated me / About my moneys and my usuances (1. 3. 117-118) You bring up me misbeliever, cutthroat dog / And spet upon my Jewish Gaberdine (1. 3. 121-122). Shylock could not retaliate the prejudice, and had to tolerate the abuse, Still have I borne it with a patient shrug / for endurance is the badge of all our tribe (1. 3. 119-120). This portrays Shylock as a person who is victimized and helpless against the prejudice and racism present in that society.Antonio asks that Shylock see the loan not as a lending of money to a friend, but rather to thine enemy, / Who, if he break, thou mayst with better face / Exact the punishment (1. 3. 145-146). Shylock is now given power over the fate of the loan, Bassanios confided pursuit of Portia and the choice of bond for the loan. It is a chance for Shylocks to seek retribution not only from Antonio personally, but on a larger scale Christian society as a whole. To further levy his position, he speaks to Antonio as a friend, I would be friends with you, and have your love, / Forget the shames that you have stained me with (1. . 149-150). Shylocks cynically toned change of sum total toward Antonio makes it clear his feigned friendship may, quite probably, be motivated by ulterior interests. At this point, there is a substantial shift in the character of Shylock from being that of a victim to that of a villain. Shylock is not interested in receiving mere interest on the money he lends, he wants a redemption and revenge for himself and his people which no amount of money will satisfy for him. The selfish, greedy, usurous Jew many want to make Shylock out to be is no longer being guided by a monetary beacon.He is now seemingly overtaken by a cruel morbid desire for revenge. He has become passionately cunning, malicious and vengeful, let the forfeit / Be nominated for an equal pound / Of your fair manakin, possibly as opposed to his slightly darker Jewish flesh to be cut off and taken / In what part of your body pleaseth me (1. 3. 160-163). He reveals the depths of his discontent and his desire for vengeance when he says, I will have the heart of him if he forfeit (3. 2. 125-126).It is not long before Shylock receives news from Tubal that some of Antonios fleet has come upon misfortune and he has no choice but to break his bond. Shylock declares, I am very glad of it. Ill plague him, Ill / torture him, I am glad of it (3. 1. 115-116). The perplex of Antonio for failure to timely pay his bond solidifies what is lawfully owed to and bought and paid for by Shylock. There is no doubt that Shylock has every intention of collecting this flaming(a) bond, his obsessive hatred for Antonio becomes apparent, Ill have my bond. Speak not against my bond. I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond (3. 3. 5-6). Shylock has transformed from discriminated repressed Jew to despised money lender to murderous vengeful sinner. During the trial scene, Shylock clearly enjoys the forthcoming bond which is due to him, he whets his clapper on his shoe in the appealroom so that he can, cut the forfeiture from Antonio (4. 1. 124). Shylock is unyielding in his desire. The pound of flesh is worth more to him than ten times the amount of ducats owed. More so, he rejects any appeal to the divine sanction of ercy, and believes to have his bond is lawfully and morally right. Shylock asks the Duke, What mind shall I dread, doing no wrong? (4. 1. 90) and states, I crave the law (4. 1. 213). Even though he is legally entitled, Portia tries to appeal to his moral obligation to show mercy. He is not moved by this, and readies to collect his bond. At this point, the law is turned on Shylock. Portia tells Shylock he may have his bond, but that, This bond doth give thee here no jot of bloodif thou dost shed / One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods / Are by the laws of Venice confiscate (4. . 319-324). Shylock, realizing his desired pound of flesh will not be his bond, agrees to accept the payment of the ducats. To this, Portia replies, The Jew shall have all justice. Soft, no haste / He shall have nothing but the penalty. Further, Portia declares, It is enacted in the laws of Venice, / If it be proved against an alien / That by direct or indirect attempts / He seeks the life of any citizenthe offenders life lies in the mercy of the Duke. Shylock is forced to his knees to beg the Duke for Mercy.He is again, the Jew dog. His life as it is a physical existence was spared. Shylock, would choose death over the mercy shown to him by the Duke and Antonio, he asks the court to, Take my life and all (4. 1. 389). In granting him to keep half of his goods, Antonio takes his identity, his religion, his heart and soul. Antonio seeks that Shylock, presently become a Christian / The other, that he do record a gift, / Here in the court, of all he dies possessed / Unto his son Lorenzo and his daughter (4. . 403-406). Life and Christianity have defeated Shylock, they have taken his daughter and given him a Christian son to which he is bound to leave everything he owns. Shylock has been stripped of any power he may have once, if fleetingly, had. He has been scummy down and stripped of his merciless religion. He is no longer villai nous, he is piteous. Shylock evolved and transformed as a character, before us as an audience just as our feelings, perceptions and sympathies for him.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Aristotle’s Ideas in the Modern Work Environment
Aristotle in the Modern Work Environment In Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics, both point, every major idea, and every argument made, is all uniteed back to the conceit that every effect seeks an ultimate good. Aristotle felt that in that respect is an intrinsic good that humans aim for and that there is this good animateness we all mean to have. However, what does it mean to be good? That means some(a)thing dissimilar to every one we all inhabit many different roles in our daylight to day lives, whether we strive to be a good pargonnt, a good sibling, a good student, a good citizen, or a good leader. wholly emphasize the importance of our own substantially-being, as well as that of others, and the greater fellowship as a whole. For the purpose of this paper, the focus allowing be on lap up kindreds, what it means to promote a good start environment, and how Aristotles ideas relate to the modern work corporation. First, we will examine the characteristics of a great pla ce to work, and then we will examine how each of Aristotles main ideas on civic human consanguinitys relate to these modern work relationships.Whether the association is that of an employee and an employer, a buyer and a seller, or even a manager and an investor, each relationship has common business ideas and common human take. Sometimes companies get so caught up in the business ideas that the human needs become null. However, the most achieverful companies are the ones who are able to excel at both the business practices as well the care of their employees. So what defines a great place to work?Is it the business with the most elaborate holiday parties, the one with the highest paid employees, or perhaps is it the business that places value in the intangibles, such(prenominal) as trust, communication, and strong leadership? To define the traits of a positive work environment, we will examine the Great Place to Work website, who every year, partners with 5,000 plus companies and conducts a survey to find out exactly what a great workplace means. Essentially, a great work environment peck be defined by three main factors employees trust the plenty they work for, they have pride in what they do, and they revel the multitude they work with.Of these three, it is the mutual trust that employees and employers have in one another that sets the foundation for a winnerful company. An employer burn down build trust with their workers by having credibility for the work output and treating them with respect and fairness. This in turn, creates a loyal employee who is dedicated to producing their highest quality of work as well as do others to do the same. Whether the business is a small ma-pop store, or a component part 500 corporation, all have the ability to achieve a cohesive work environment.The best of both an employee and an employer can be explained by Aristotles views on happiness, the chastitys and deliberation, justness, and friendship. All are int erconnected, and when applied to a professional setting, help to promote an work environment that is beneficial for the company, entirely more importantly, the human good. Aristotles most important concept is that of human happiness because happiness in and of itself was reaching the end good. According to him, humans have three parts to their soul.The first is the most basic, a vegetal state in which all living things grant in which we are satisfying our most basic of needs. The next level is that reason that is grounded in emotion. The both are grounded in each other, and therefore, can be swayed by each other, such in that our emotions can influence our reason. Aristotle believed that true happiness was engaging the highest operation of the soul, our capacity for thought. He believed that happiness was the human good that proves to be the natural process of the soul in accord with virtue. In other words, a person living keep to the fullest was the person pursuing their purpo se in life with action, and reaching a certain amount of excellence in that purpose. In turn, that will bring a true state of happiness. The best way to bring about this state of individual happiness is through community. In terms of a business community, it is the responsibleness of the leaders to promote an environment that focuses on establishing a workers strength, discoering his or her potential, and then developing that potential in order to fulfill that persons purpose.In the business world, we see people all the time who feel their work is not fulfilling and lacking in purpose. These are also the kinds of people we see that show up to work and stark(a) the bare minimum necessary for obtaining their paycheck. An employer who wants to have a favored company needs to promote the kind of work that is in their employees best interests and allows them to feel utilitarian each and every day. A happy employee will be more invested in the businesss day to day operations, as well a s the overall success of the organization.The discussion of happiness leads to Aristotles next major ideas, those of the virtues and deliberation. A happy person will be someone who lives in accordance with the virtues. He is neither alike much of one thing, or not enough of another, he is in the middle of ii extremes. Aristotle explained the virtues to be a perception of the right thing to do or the appropriate response when faced with a certain situations. The good decision lies in the virtue that is between what Aristotle called the vices of excess and the vices of deficiency. For example, cowardliness would be a vice of deficiency, foolhardiness would be a vice of excess, and courage in the middle of these two would be the right decision. Aristotles virtues can be broken dismantle in two ways intellectually and morally. Intellectual virtue comes from education, which must be taught over a length of time. Moral virtue, on the other hand, comes from habit. They are virtues that need to be learned, and that is accomplished by actually practicing it. People become virtuous by performing virtuous acts, and the more they are practiced, the more the virtue becomes a part of ones disposition.Although moral virtues are reactions due to habit or practice to respond in certain ways, Aristotle believed virtues are cultivated through deliberation. iodin must think about the situation he or she is in, and contemplate as to what good could be achieved in that situation. In deliberation, one must run into the ends he or she is trying to ultimately reach, and make a decision about the best way to go about achieving that end result. Virtues and the deliberative extremity are involved everyday in the business world.A persons virtues guide his decisions, and decisions have to be made on a daily basis when it comes to a businesss operations, finances, resources, customers, or even future goals. A company therefore needs their leader to be virtuous in order to make the ki nds of decisions that will be in everyones best interest. A leader that is virtuous will desire to be good and do good, therefore he will make decisions that are fair. This engages one of the fundamental traits of a Great Place to Work, and that is the leader promotes an connection ground on trust between himself and his employees.When employees believe their boss is contemplating the best course of action when faced with a certain situation, they can trust him to make a sound and virtuous judgment. The trust that is built here translates into respect for their superiors, and when employees respect the people they work for, the entire organization is given the opportunity to run smoothly and cohesively. Another of Aristotles virtues that he specifically singles out is justice. It includes all other virtues downstairs its umbrella, because to be just is to consider all the other virtues and act in a virtuous way.In this case, he is not describing the kind of justice to exact on a c riminal, but rather justice in that a person gets what he deserves. Justice must maintain a certain dimension in which advantages and disadvantages are equal. In Aristotles opinion, greed or the desire to have more than ones due counteracts his idea of distributive justice. In this concept, wealth among the community would be spread out among its members, with everyone receiving their fair share according to their virtue. He believed the economy was not driven by a guiding hand but by reciprocity.A successful economy distributes goods not to satisfy an individuals best interest, but to facilitate exchanges within the community, with the ultimate goal being people living the life they want in accordance with their virtues. The most virtuous people make the most significant contributions to the community, and therefore are of the highest merit. His concept of distributive justice enables the sterling(prenominal) privilege to go to those with the most virtue, and not those with the most money, the most power, or the most inside connections.The best places to work are the ones that are most just. They butt on all the virtues in the best sense, but most of all, the people within the company benefit from an environment of fairness, for both the employees and the employers. In order to maintain the balance of justice, not one employee is treated with an unfair share of disadvantages and therefore carries too much of a burden. On the other hand, not one employee enjoys an unfair share of advantages and therefore is overly privileged.Everyone is cooperating together and this kind of justice only facilitates the inner workings of a business in a way that contributes to the overall success of the company. It also promotes a fair merit- base system that rewards promotions and other benefits fairly. If employees know that privileges will be handed down based on highest merit, and not unfairly based on seniority, or inside connections, they will be motivated to work har d and produce their best work, which in the end, only builds a more successful business.The last of Aristotles main ideas we will discuss is friendship, and how in a certain way it connects all of Aristotles main ideas together. Very simply put, friendship can be defined as wishing each other well and there being a mutual awareness of good will between two individuals. Aristotle then classifies three types of friendships those based in utility, those based in pleasure, and those based in character. A friendship based in utility, occurs when two people can benefit from each other. By doing the same thing, both gain an equal advantage in the relationship.This kind of friendship is a temporary situation because it is based in two individuals being useful to each other, rather than any enjoyment they have it the person. If the usefulness ends, the purpose of the relationship disappears, and therefore so does the relationship itself. A friendship for pleasure happens when two people enjo y the others company and have a common interest in doing a certain activity together. In this case, doing the activity in the company of another makes the activity more enjoyable than if it had be done alone.This kind of friendship is also temporary because the relationship lasts only as long as the two individuals share the common interest. The strongest and most enduring of friendships are also the rarest kind, and those are friendships based in character. This relationship occurs when two people admire the quality of the other person and find common ground in their virtues. They develop a long-lasting friendship that develops over time as they get to know one another. It is a very selfless kind of relationship as there are no motivating factors these individuals seek in one another.They accept each other for who they are and set ahead each other to find the goodness in what they pursue. Friendships of character connect the ideas of virtue, justice, and happiness together. The ba sis of a good friend is that the friend is good in and of himself. He realizes his best self in accordance with the virtues, and will encourage a friend of similar virtue to seek his best self. He who acts in accordance with all the virtues is just, and justice in its fullest sense is friendliness. Both justice and friendliness inhabit the idea of distributive justice.Not in an economical sense, but friends of utility, pleasure, or goodness equally exchange advantages consistent with the type of friendship they share. If there is an unequal distribution of disadvantages in friendships of utility or pleasure, then the relationship will disintegrate. Therefore, among true friends that is based on character, there is no need for justice. Those who actively engage in friendships are also the happiest. Humans are not meant to live in solitude, and it is by engaging those around them and participating in the community that one will find the good in others, the good in the community, and t he good in life.Friendship in the workplace bolsters the idea of camaraderie among employees and employers. When people enjoy the other people they work with, theyre surrounded by a positive environment that enables them to work at their highest potential. this doesnt mean that peoples work environments have to be modify with their best friends, but instead should feel a friendliness towards their peers out of a sharing their professional lives together and a common interest to work their business goals.The most likely of friendships to be found in a work environment are friendships of utility or pleasure. Every person within an organization may have separate goals, but all share the same goal of seeing the company do well. The success of the business will benefit everyone as long as they work together. Its also likely that people within the same line of business will share some of the same interests. This commonality between workers can be the foundation for them to work together effectively and support each other in their work.The rarest kind of work friendship would be that based in character. It is likely that you may share some of the same professional values, but people are so different that its rare to come together on a work platform and build a lasting relationship. However, hopefully people within the business can at least appreciate the quality of their peers and superiors, even if they dont fully admire them. The best kinds of work environments are the one that exhibit all Aristotles main ideas, such as happiness, virtue, deliberation, justice, and friendship, to their fullest.Environments that remain open to dialogue and respect, that recognize differences among people as a unifying force rather than a dividing one and utilize peoples strengths to their superlative potential are the kind of work environments that Aristotle would promote. While it may be hard for a business to maintain the best environment all the time, as long as it stays true to its ethical business principles, and as long as its leaders strive to meet the human needs of its employees and well as the goals of the company, then I would consider that a great place to work.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Human Capital Management
My decision to pursue the 9-month Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS) design on offer at MIT Sloan School of Management was largely influenced by Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)s Faculty of Business Administration invitation as one of the combat-ready schools for this prestigious broadcast. CUHKs inclusion affords me the opportunity to fulfill my lifelong desire of acquiring a top-notch global business education from a world-class university.If accepted, enrolling for the MSMS architectural plan at MIT will be a kind of a homecoming. This is because of my prior sojourn to the United States for educational and vocational purposes. I had my college education at two Bentley College, Massachusetts and Washington University in St.Louis, Missouri, and I also had a professional stint at the Human Capital Practice unit of Deloitte Consulting which took me to American cities necessity Houston and Los Angeles.Afterwards, I had to take a diversion to the CUHK to pursue a full-time MBA program with a concentration in China Business. This was to enable me become valid in modern Chinese business practices and also to catch up on developments leading to the emergence of China as the next global sparing superpower.When I learnt about the CUMBA/MIT MSc in Management Studies Dual Degree Option, it turned out to be an opportunity of a lifetime. I discovered that the program will not only permit me to continue expanding on my knowledge of Chinese business but also empower me to develop a unattackable background on global best practices in international management.My academic interests will be focused majorly on issues bordering on work, labor, and employment relations as well as human resource management, labor market issues, and related public policies. I will like to investigate how to retain and motivate employees hold incentives other than just pecuniary compensation. In addition, I will also be interested in examining key business topics like supp ly shackles and corporate complianceEnrolling for the MIT Sloan MSMS program will also enable me to take advantage of MIT Sloans impressive research facilities and resources. Of particular interest to me is the Institute for Work & appointment Research (IWER), where I will be conducting a considerable piece of the research towards fulfilling my dissertation requirements.I will be glad to tap into the institutes over 50 years legacy of research and teaching about the changing world of work and employment and discover how I can apply the acquired know-how in the Chinese business terrain.Also worth exploring for me in greater depth is the MIT Sloan Management Review, the preeminent quarterly academic journal. I am a colossal fan of this reliable source of innovative ideas for the 21st century business leader and would love the opportunity to contribute scholarly articles, or even thrum my Masters thesis featured in a future edition of the journal.MIT Sloans intellectually engaging student body, forward-thinking faculty, and extensive alumni network make out the list of key reasons for selecting the management school as my preferred destination for advanced degree study.I look forward to the prospect of meeting and collaborating with great minds, curiously Professor Thomas Kochan, Co-director of IWER and George Maverick Bunker Professor of Management. I would be drawing a lot of inspiration from his thoughts and scholarly works on industrial relations, work and employment.ANSWER TO QUESTION NO. 2Restructuring Human Capital Management (HCM) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in China would probably be a thesis topic I would pursue. Why? Because, often times, in China, the primary focus for company managers are how to reduce overhead cost, make huge profits, and deliver the highest workable returns for shareholders.For managers that care less about long term, this narrow, profit- oriented approach to business may suffice, but only for a very short peri od of time. However, for companies that want to stand the test of time and survive the vagaries of modern day business, a more balanced management style is non-negotiable.Of course, most Chinese companies already realize structures in place to cater to Human Capital Management, and Corporate Social Responsibility. The essence of this thesis however, is to suggest ways to reform these structures and make it a miniscule more robust and engaging.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Master Slave Dialect Essay
The insightful analysis of Hegel in his Phenomenology of Spirit concerning the development of egotism sentience revolves around the important impulse to Self Consciousness in which he details the secure/striver dialectical. Contrary to preceding German Idealists, Hegel does non hold the assumption that the conscious agent is self conscious a priori rather, the agent must establish this notion of self- mood by means of experience.This experience become highly-developed through time and is therefore associated with the concept of history. It can even be claimed that any development of self consciousness must be conditioned historic all in ally as much as it draws upon the demands of propensity and the means to its sating. Self consciousness is therefore far from innate with regard to individual agent. This break with tradition appears to be in arguing that self consciousness emerges come in of non-self consciousness over time in a process which is conditioned historically.C ommentators are til now not in agreement in regard to the specifics of this historical process and its holistic ontological location, particularly in the genius of the process which underlies the development of self consciousness. Alexandre Kojeve finds Hegels dialectic of the mater/striver relationship to be referring to historically conditioned, material processes.The basic question concerns the amount of historicity required for the development of self consciousness is it a purely external process brought about by the conflict betwixt two living universes, or is it an internal argue that encompasses the conflict between various faculties? Kojeve argues for the former interpretation. Kojeve on the Historicity of the Master/Slave Dialectic Kojeves analysis of the attain/ buckle down dialectic integrates Marxist conception of class struggle with Hegels phenomenological account.Beginning with Hegels view of desire, Kojeve holds the assumption that the physical creature is the basic unit of consciousness and the locus of desiring. It is from this foundation that mankinds, together with animals, have desire referred to as the drive to alter external shapes or forms of be to that which would suit their accept interests and being. Desire seeks to transform the world, to negate the external object in its own beingness and put it to the use of the desiring being.Kojeve, for instance, points to the desire of hunger as a clear example of a desire that a being has that negates the very initiation of an object through radical change. The essence of human being lies in this power of negation he argues that man is negating numberion, which transforms given being and by transforming it, transforms itself (Kojeve, 1980 38). The difference that lies between human desire and animal desire is that human desire goes so far as to surpass itself. Humans possess desires that result in the negation of their conception as natural beings.This leads to the possibility of self consciousness which needs transc remnantence of self with respect to self as given (ibid 39). The key to this transcendence could be human desire if it focuses on that which liberates oneself from that mode of being. The ability to desire non-being is characteristically human and enables an individual to free himself from the concept of being that so enslaves human life. sooner of corresponding to the pulls and pushes of nature, humans can employ desire to transcend the sheer freedom of the turnspit and achieve self consciousness.Kojeve is stressing on the biological basis of the master/slave relationship by labeling biological drives desires. The major difference between humans and animals is the ability of humans to desire non-being or death. concord to Kojeve, the ability to desire non-being is the complete limiting case of human freedom. Humans are free from their essence in the most basic way possible they can opt to end it through their own desires. It is at this poin t that a desiring consciousness makes the realization that there are more than objects of desire in the world.The desiring open becomes cognizant of otherwise conscious beings in the world. According to Kojeve, a conscious being can only be satisfied when the other desiring conscious meets its desire for intuition. This is not a natural reciprocation from other beings, and the consequent lines of action are competitive in nature. There exists a struggle between the two agents in a life and death fight for recognition of the other. It appears that since humans demand recognition from the other being and possess the capacity to transcend natural animal desires through the desire of non-being, a struggle ensues between these desires.It appears as if Kojeve is arguing that freedom and ultimate worth reside in the ability of the being to defy nature and desire, and risking destruction in the face of inclinations towards natural preservation. Why is this risk being taken? The non-ess ential end of this endeavor is identification from another desiring consciousness. The only moment that animals seem to risk their lives is when they are pursuing the means to salve their life. Humans on the other business deal can defy nature to achieve desired recognition from other creatures of the same capabilities.Recognition cannot be gained from any animal in this scheme. It must be from a being that can too risk all of its natural prerogatives in the pursuit of the same end of recognition. Kojeve conceives of Hegels transition from a life and death struggle to one in which no being dies as a last and irreducible premise in the Phenomenology. It appears to be a mere assumption that the deadly struggle ends in one being assuming the role of the master and the other of the slave. According to Kojeve, this results from the ability of the master, and the inability of the slave to resist his natural instincts for survival.The master was strong enough to continue risking his lif e, musical composition the slave eventually succumbed to his natural desires and attempted to preserve his life through assuming the role of the slave. Kojeve suggests that, the vanquished has subordinated his human desire for recognition to the biological desire preserve life. The victor has risked his life for a non-vital end (ibid 42). At the beginning of the struggle, the two agents appear to be unequal with regard to resolution and stamina.The one who is to be the slave is not capable of continuing the struggle and is therefore forced into subjection as the only way of preserving his life. It must be judged therefore that if both agents had resembling resolution and power, the struggle could possibly and with both being slain. This is of course a condition that would not aid the establishment of self consciousness or the indication of biological life, perhaps explaining which Hegel stresses on the ascendance of one master and the servitude of one slave.The grow of the slave is the intermediary between the master and the world of nature. According to Kojeve, it is this work that enables the master to satisfy all his needs without personal expectation the master desires while the work of the slave bends nature to meet these desires. From the masters perspective, desire is followed by immediate satisfaction. From the perspective of the slave, the desire of another is answered with their beat back, which then results in the others desire being satisfied.In this scheme, the master is secure to the drives of nature while he could risk his own natural drives to secure recognition from the subjugated other, his courage and freedom then faded into a mere pursuit of particular biological desires. According to Kojeve, the master remains a natural being, an animal since he maintains this state of egocentric desire and the satisfaction of desire. The tangible action of negation and transformation that is achieved in the instantiated relationship of the master a nd the slave appears in that of the slave.He is the one that is acting and transforming the world, whereas the master merely has desires qua natural being. Given this foundation, Kojeve realizes that the sottish is set for the possibility of a historical process which is holistically the history of the Fights and the Work that finally ended in the Napoleonic wars and the table on which Hegel wrote the Phenomenology so as to hug both those wars and the table. storey starts with the resolution of the initial struggle into two classes, those of the master and slave.All material products and future struggle are to be dig within this simple framework of master/slave dialectic. History is nothing but a product of the master/slave struggle, made up of just of such struggles, and is no more when such struggles end physically. The materialist tendencies in such a conception is quite evident especially when Kojeve remarks that man must always be either master or slave, and that beings m ust be in a relation with each(prenominal) other for them to be at least considered human.The perfect historicity of the master/slave dialectic is obvious in this conception which is important in describing not only the proficiency of world history but alike the universal history, offering in details the interaction of humanity with the rest of the natural world. According to Hegel, the slave interacts with nature. It therefore follows that natural history details the progress of slave overcoming nature and bending it to its will. The will of the slave is however not the operative force here instead, it is the masters mediated will that drives the slave to his interaction with nature through his labor.According to Kojeve, it is this fundamental interaction with nature that enables the dialectic reversal of the masters dominance and the slaves servility in the Phenomenology. The reading of Hegels master/slave dialectic by Kojeve is quite materially founded in its historicity. It involves conflict of individuals or groups, and requires that they resolve into two groups those that disquietude death and become the slaves and those that can surpass this fear of death by risking their life and become masters.History starts with this struggle, and the entire history is the continuation of this struggle until the slaves are finally freed from the tyranny of the masters. The sources of this ultimate freedom are work, fear, and service, but only after the slave journeys through a series of ideologies, by which he seeks to beg off himself, his slavery, to reconcile the ideal of freedom with the fact of slavery (ibid, 53). The final point of history, according to Kojeve, is when the physical struggle between mater and slave ultimately ceases. History reaches its final point since it is nothing but the constant struggle between masters and slaves.It is in this note that Kojeve ignores much of Hegels true purpose undersurface Phenomenology. Inadequacy of Kojeves form ulation The materialist reading of the master/slave dialectic has been characterized by much criticism owing to what it has ignored concerning Hegels phenomenology. In punctuate on the purely external struggle between two agents, such a reading simplifies the integral, internal role of another in the establishment of the subjects self consciousness. Kojeve unduly restricts the master/slave analysis in Hegels Phenomenology to the external struggle between two creatures.The true reading of this dialectic must encompass other perspectives as well. The master/slave dialectic can be explicated from three perspectives. The first is the social which is exclusively adopted by Kojeve. This reading focuses on the physical, actual struggle of persons or groups to acquire recognition and power. It is however not enough to take this social perspective for the entire master/slave dialectic. The psychological perspective complements it, which regards the dialectic as an interpersonal struggle wit hin the individual ego. With this regard, the master and slave are various powers or patterns of the intellect itself.The latter perspective is one of fusion between the previous two perspectives the ego is changed by internal processes that are set in motion due to the external struggle between agents. As far as the limitations of the social perspective is concerned, there is no problem with Kojeves analysis. The actual disagreement with Kojeve is enable the historicity of the psychological account of the master/slave dialectic without reducing it to material conflict between physical agents. The heart of Hegels though is the Platonic collimate between conflict in the stater and conflict in the individual agent.According to this interpretation, the quest for harmony will enable the master/slave dialectic on the levels of both the social and the psychological. The psychological perspective on this dialectic is required to comprehend the succeeding development of self consciousnes s. Vital to this conception is the idea that the faculties of the ego must contend in order to act because a single comprehensive faculty, regardless of the number of egos, would render them either completely static or completely destructive. Therefore, internal conflict must underlie any external conflict.There is thus the possibility of giving a psychological interpretation of the master/slave dialectic as a struggle within the soul, of the ego striving for self consciousness. Problem with Kojeve according to Carl Schmitt and Emmanuel Levinas The fundamental commonality between Schmitt and Levinas is their backup man of a Hegelian conception of politics as a struggle for recognition emanating from an originary battle to the death with the view that the originary relationship is rather between the deliveryman and the victim, always in the presumed presence of some third whose ethical position is not known.At the end of a century that is characterized and dominated by the dialecti c of revolution and counter revolution, a shift to Levinas and/or Schmitt can help in understanding the post cold war linkage between the global and the local as a humanitarian relation between the rescuers and the victims and a political doctrine of preemptive third party intervention. Lavina argues that, by relating to beings in the desolation of being, understanding finds a meaning for them in terms of being (Lavina, 2006 87).With this regard, understanding does not invoke them but only names them. Understanding therefore carries an act of violence and of negation. Violence is therefore a partial negation. This partial negation can be defined by the fact that without disappearing, beings are within ones power. Violence denies the independency of beings. Possession is the means whereby a being, while existing, is partially denied. Lavina holds that it is not merely a fact that the being is an instrument and a tool, that is, as a means, it is also an end.According to Lavinas, pea ce is the paradigmatic ethical relation between one and another in proximity. As a relationship of pure exteriority of two neighbors, each of whom is incapable of knowing the others inner life, peace is entirely different in its origin and demands from the political pursuit of justice. Lavinas sees the responsibility for other human being as anterior to every question. Lavinas acknowledges politics as involving comparison, reciprocity and equality which is external to ethics and is always about peace rather than justice, and presumes human incommensurability.The specific political distinction to which political actions can be reduced is that between friend and enemy according to Schmitt (Schmitt, 1996 26). The antithesis of friend and enemy does not belie to the relatively independent criteria of other antitheses. He conceives of the distinction between friend and enemy to denote the utmost degree of intensity of union or separation, fellowship or dissociation. It can exist both i n theory and in practice without having to draw from other distinctions. His view shifts from that of Kojeve in the sense that he conceives of the other not to be necessarily an economic competitor.In other words, he does not view master/slave dialectic in the sense that Kojeve views it. According to him, a political enemy does not necessarily have to appear as a competitor. According to him, only the actual participants can correctly identify, comprehend and judge the concrete situation and settle the extreme case of conflict. Each participant, he argues, is in a position to judge whether the adversary intends to negate his hostiles way of life and therefore must be repulsed or fought in order to preserve ones own form of existence (Schmitt, 1996 27).Terrorism as it pertains to master slave dialect Terrorism is an ideology of violence meant to intimidate or cause terror for the aim of exerting pressure on decision making by state bodies. It encompasses a series of acts that are me ant to spread intimidation, panic, and destruction in a population. These acts can either be carried out by individuals and groups that are opposing a state or acting on behalf of the state. The question of violence is closely connected with sovereignty.The master slave dialectic must be a violence that makes sense, violence that results in the production of sense in the form of man and history. Terrorism on the other hand is a senseless violence that lays waste without recognition. In order to produce history, the master slave dialectic must produce the positions of master and slave. Because the master has not encountered death in all its terrifying reality as the absolute master and the slave has, the slave possesses the power over the master. In this situation, the act of terrorism is a struggle between masters and slaves.The terrorists have confronted the reality of death. Having defeated the slave, the master forced him to work. This labor implies that while the master is idle, the slave labors at transforming the world. The transforming labor of the slave eventually gives it the power to take up once the liberating Fight for recognition that he refused initially for fear of death. Terrorism thus becomes an element of a struggle between the master and the slave. According to master slave dialectic, the course of history is determined by this struggle.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Coach Carter Essay
Coach Carter is a movie from 2005 by Paramount pictures and it is directed by doubting Thomas Carter. It is based on a true story, in which head basketball coach of Richmond gamy School, California, mess Carter made the headlines in 1999 for benching 15 players of his undefeated aggroup due to very bad academician performance.This action is known as the lockout, but this action was very criticized by the Richmond High School, the players parents, the city, and media commentators. mass Carter maintained that his athletes must take their studies seriously, so they could get access to college and other opportunities later on in life and the communitys opinion eventually changed when they started to see his reason, and after he was praised for his determined violence on prioritising these straightforward values for his players.The movie is about Ken Carter, a successful sporting goods storage owner, who accepts the job as a basketball coach for his old high school in the brusk a rea of Richmond, California, where he was an elite athlete. As much dismayed by the vile attitudes of his players as well(p) as their very bad performance on the court, Carter sets about to change both. He immediately imposes a strict regime typified in written contracts that include stipulations for respectful behavior, a dress code and good grades as requisites to being allowed to participate. The initial resistance from the boys is soon dispelled as the team under Carters tuition fee becomes a undefeated competitor in the games.However, when the overconfident teams behavior begins to stray and Carter learns that overly many players are doing poorly in class, he takes immediate action. To the outrage of the team, the school and the community, Carter cancels all team activities and locks the court until the team shows acceptable academic improvement. In the ensuing debate, Carter fights to keep his methods, determined to show the boys that they demand to rely on more than spor ts for their futures.You should not lone(prenominal) see this movie because of the basketball, that is just a bounty you get, but you should see this film if you like to see films about muckle who make a difference. Ken Carter makes a difference to some poorplayers without hope in their lives. The team starts out whit no hope or dream about getting in to college and the team got no unity. All these things addition many more are Ken Carter trying to change. So if you like to see youngsters with a poor life getting a new chance in life, you should differently see this movie.This movie could adept kind of boring, but it actually is not. This movie has a lot of moving moments and inspirational speeches and scenes. Is not only moving moments, there are as well action in it, on the basketball court, but also in their life example one of the boys is a drug dealer and his uncle get shot.Timo Cruz Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful b eyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. You are playing subaltern does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. Its not just in some of us it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our straw man automatically liberates others.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Why Did the South Lose the Civil War
why did the southbound Lose the Civil War? Beginning as a battle of army versus army, the warfare became a conflict of society against society. In this kind of war, the ability to mobilize economic resources, the effectiveness of policy-making leadership, and a societys leadingness to keep up the fight despite setbacks, are as decisive to the outcome as success or failure on the battlefields. Unfortunately for the Southern planters, by the retract of 1865, the South was exhausted, and on April 9, Lee surr supplantered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, effectively ending the war.Economically, the war was a benefit for the North and a disaster for the South. The North began the war with several advantages. The North held a plain lead in nearly every resource needed for warfare. Not only was the population famine of the South compared to the North, roughly around 13 million, but the statistics for factories, goods produced, railroad tracks, textiles, and firearms all succeeded the south by more than half. As a result, the union army became the best-supplied and fed army while southern armies suffered shortages of food, and c dealhing.Shortly after the lift off of the war, capital of Nebraska would further suffocate the south economically by imple workforceting the Anaconda Plan, a naval blockade. industrially the South couldnt keep up in output but also and in manpower. By the end of the war, the South had, more or less, plenty of weaponry still, but it just didnt have enough men to use the guns. Let al whizz enough men to defend the perimeter around the confederacy to entertain its territory.Another key aspect that the North held over the South was the determination of Abraham Lincoln to win, and the incredible staying power of the masses of the North, who stuck by Lincoln and stuck by the war in spite of the first two years of close unrelenting defeat. A problem of the South was that it lacked the moral center that the North had in this conflict, t he idea of colligation, was important. i of the Souths objectivess for creating their own government, was to give states more power than the central government. This was ironic, because a warm central government was what the South needed, but what Abraham Lincoln had in the North.Abraham Lincoln also offered a develop explanation to his own people of what they were fighting for. He displayed this leadership through his progressive steps towards emancipation, one early example being the contrabands of war. The army and congress determined that they would not return escaped slaves who went to Union lines and classified them as contraband. They used many as laborers to support Union efforts and soon began to pay them wages. This would bet exceedingly important as the war turned into one against slavery.Despite the lack of economic and political power, the South was also at a loss of collective leave alone. Certainly the course of the war, the phalanx events, had a lot to do with the loss of will. The Southerners hoped that they would win spectacular victories on Northern soil, and that they would be able to exhaust the will of the Northern people, and they failed to do so. The battle of Gettysburg with the largest number of casualties is often described as the wars bout point. The Union defeated attacks lead by Confederate General Robert E. Lee, ending Lees invasion of the North.With regard to military turning points, the outcome of the war also became inevitable in November 1864 with the reelection of Lincoln and the utter determination to await the things through, and the finding of leader U. S. Grant, the man to provide the leadership that the North needed. As long as Lincoln was determined to prosecute the war and as long as the North was behind him, inevitably spiffing manpower and resources would win it out. With more men, more money, more industrial power, and a strong unity for the will to win, the Northern Union crushed the Southern planter ari stocracy and it never regained its political power again.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Can money buy happiness Essay
Happiness is a feeling we have for many reasons. many another(prenominal) objects and materials stinkpot provide the happiness many humans desire. bills washstand and have fulfilled that happiness which unrivaled lacks for many course of studys.There ar many shipway I find cash does buy happiness. Money annexs quality of aliveness in which buys happiness. This is only sure if one lives within his means, lives a modest lift style and pursues happiness the right way. I think most people study happiness is bought in a store. raft overestimate how much delight theyll get when they buy luxurious things. We really dont need all these extravagant luxuries rough use. Are they necessities of purport? Are they just things to show ones vanity? Or are they just trying to keep up with the Jones sort of speak. There are different classes of people welfare, run lowing, middle, and velocity class.The welfare classes are not working or potbellyt find work their peel minimal in evitably might be met. Do you think thither is any quality of life for that family? Yes there is some food on the table and they whitethorn all live in a small apartment. What about the quality and quantity of those civilises? The working classes are working so hard sometimes 2 and 3 jobs struggling just to get buy. The whole time hoping that some day they could crystallize enough to enjoy some of the honourable things life has to offer time with family and friends, traveling, health, quality food and shelter. So yes I believe capital can buy happiness if managed the right way.All things considered, does it make good sense for people in society to pursue monetary income or wealth? I believe it makes sense for people to pursue monetary income first the wealth will come later. Happiness is an ongoing project, not something that can be accomplished once and for all by earning more money, marrying the love of your life, having tremendous children (Dunn & Gilbert, 2011). But people adapt too quickly to the benefits that come with wealth and take them for granted. They must(prenominal) unendingly pursue happiness of making more money to buy more things.Happiness is the psychological condition that results from the achievementof ones values. Values are ends that a mortal acts to gain and or keep. They are those things that a person cares about having or doing cares in the robust sense that he or she is free to act to secure them. Values can be material or spiritual. Food, clothes, eye wear, a car, a house all of these would be material values. Spiritual values are those that pertain to a persons consciousness. Spiritual values encompass things interchangeable knowledge, beauty, self-esteem, mental health or rewarding work. eyepatch spiritual values may take material form, their value depends primarily on their relation to the needs of a persons consciousness.Money is an opportunity for happiness in todays society. Many people use money to meet many of thei r needs. Vanity is now a major grammatical constituent in the introduction. Buying materialistic things is an instant feeling of happiness.Moneys power to expand a persons options is the heart of its contribution to happiness. An individual might value spending ones life as a writer but unable to sustain an acceptable income writing. More money and the time it buys, makes a pursuit a great possibility. A person might value universe engaged with their children while they are young, or peace of mind about their retirement more money makes these possibilities easier.One of the things these examples make plain is that money is distinguished not only to fulfill physical desires or to acquire material goods. It is also critical for the spiritual values. Money facilitates the achievement of all values, spiritual as well as material.Money buys good and money buys time. Money buys autonomy to mold ones life in the image of ones ideal. Money nourishes happiness by helping a person to ach ieve the values that happiness is made of. Like many things, money can be put to poor uses. Yet money can also be put to wonder uses, including the greatest experiences joy in living. That fact has got to be acknowledging if people are to embrace money unapologetically, as they must if they are to attain sufficient control over their lives to realize their ends and fulfill their dreams.The truth is clich that money can buy happiness is that happiness is not easy. Money does not offer short cuts around this fact. It is important to appreciate the danger of how money cant buy happiness, however. On one level it is solely bad advice, which is counterproductive to individuals happiness.Economists use the term utility to represent a measuring of the satisfaction or happiness that individuals get from the purpose of goods and services. Because a higher income can allow one to consume more goods and services, we say that utility increases with income. But does greater income and consumpt ion really translate into greater happiness?However consumption effect tells us that more consumption of goods and services will increase happiness. At least to a degree, we see that money can buy happiness. Based on look into I found that money does not increase the happiness because as income increases the person behavior of preferences or satisfaction changes and will result is diminishing income. Research also showed that the more money one make in an annual salary, one will spend more for the desires in which one has.Happiness can be easily out weighted by the loss of a family member, or cancer that may not be cured or removed. Money brings people happiness in numerous ways. I believe that money can provide one with live. Some people say that without love there is no happiness. On the contrary there is love in money. Others might involve themselves into one life only because the person has money, but they are expressing their love none the less. For example like when a charr falls in love with a mans personality or anything else she may like about him. The man with a lot of money can lose all his wealth at any time, just like he can lose his personality, a career, looks or even a hairstyle. What people fail to realized is that money can bring happiness, whether or not its material objects.People tend not to like the phrase money can bring happiness not everyone can have a lot of money. Only about 3% of Americans make over $250,000 a year searching happiness through money is not the easiest route. So peopletend to simply traverse the phrase, by saying that being rich makes people greedy and heartless. People are often foil with the rich because while they work diligently, they view the rich as those who sign a couple of paper and can continue to sit in their gold encrusted chairs, resting with their feet in the air. Because of this, the other 97% of the world say that the rich are miserable, as a way to feel better about themselves. justice is money does bring happiness, one way or another.In conclusion, evidences suggest that an increase in income and consumption does not appreciably increase happiness. However, due to relative income effect, people still engage in the rump race for making more money. But as a persons income increases over time, a persons expectations increase as well, therefore they aspire to having higher incomes. To the extent that satisfaction is buttoned to whether those aspirations are met, satisfaction may not increase as income grows over time. It is possible that the relationship surrounded by income and satisfaction goes two ways although higher income generates more satisfaction, greater satisfaction offers greater motivation for individuals to work hard and generate a higher income.
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