Tuesday, April 30, 2019
American desire to modernise third world countries fuelled the Vietnam Research Paper
American desire to modernise third world countries fuelled the Vietnam war - search Paper ExampleTherefore third world countries such as Vietnam rebelled because it needed more exemption and political independence (Darby 2007). Mark Berger, in his article Decolonisation, modernization and nation building explains that the US consolidated pacification and modernization theory in its search for the appropriate combination of civil and certification reforms in the hamlets of Vietnam. The US sought a coherent plan to jumpstart the economic and social development in Vietnam. The troops was perceived to play a major role in modernization and pacification. This was because the US believed that security was a precondition for growth and sustained development (Escobar 2005). As such, the US built and strengthened the Vietnamese army over the period of modernization and economic intervention. The army was trained in US military bases on how to keep peace and fight insecurities in all areas of the country. The US combined efforts with the United Nations protection Council in strengthening the army. This resulted in capable armed forces that kept the country secure. With time, the Vietnamese army became stringy and needed to gain autonomy from the US policies and intervention. The army manufactured its own military weapons and was able to memory its own programs. This made it easy to wage the Vietnam War and resist US imperialism. The article further argues that modernization theory gained policy and academic prominence in Vietnam.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Gender Roles in the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker Essay
Gender Roles in the novel The Color Purple by Alice pushchair - Essay ExampleThe entire story of the accommodate is told through the narration of Celie, the protagonist, who undergoes several troubles during her early childhood before being sold by the name of marriage. Struggling through her dark past, where she is violently ravish by her perverted stepfather, she goes through another doomed phase in her life. She gets severely beaten up every day by her husband, who also refuses to inform Celie active the letters from her sister Nettie. Still, Celie goes through all(a) these torwork forcets and comes out as a winner at the end of the story. The book is a story about the progress of the will of a woman to counter all the struggles she faces in life, a display of force-out of friendship and faith in motivating a person and, delivering the message of happiness that one gets by being self-satisfied.The Color Purple, during its time of release, created a flurry of arguments about the themes written about in the story. one and only(a) of the major themes that drew many of the critics attention was the theme of gender roles. Although, Walker had established the default characteristics of men and women in the book, there was this subtle element of versatility present in each and every character of the book that completely abolishes any notions of traditional qualities that were displayed through these roles. Some of the examples that could be given for this mixture include the change of thought process in the minds of Albert, Celies husband and in the submissive role played by his brother, who is unable to bring his wife under control and as a result, gets to work under his wife.The copy of unconventional treatment of the gender can be first viewed through the role of Mr.__________, as introduced by Celie and commonly known to everyone as Albert. Albert, having lost his first wife, looks out for a second wife to dish up him and his children. Having known to everyone has an unpopular girl, Celie
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Crisis Communications Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words
Crisis Communications Plan - see ExampleThe plan to do this will need to be executed in the next 7 days and will involve executive participation all levels including that of the Managing Director.3. The significance of the situation is that pressure from the victims family and from a well-known entity (BBC Watchdog) may generate in the public eye(predicate) demand for come about flux Strips to be banned from sale. This would potentially cut gross revenue revenue by up to 50%.We present here a compact of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) with respect to this crisis situation. As a consequence, we also extend to a CASE (Confront, Avoid, Search, Exploit). Because of the nature of this crisis and its potentially annihilating effects on the comp any(prenominal) as a whole, we also extend our analysis to include EPISTLE as well.Strengths The company has a positive brand view (recent reports) for Breathe Flow Strips with the commonplace public and is endors ed by commonplace sporting figures who are associated with integrity and honesty by the public.Weaknesses The company was unaware of the problem of yell of Breathe Flow Strips by drugs users and had not made efforts to contain or reduce the problem, other than general instructions on Breathe Flow Strips products to only use them for the purposes indicated on the packet. Lack of control of sales channels concerning clubs and club-goers.Threats Mounting ... Weaknesses The company was unaware of the problem of abuse of Breathe Flow Strips by drugs users and had not made efforts to contain or reduce the problem, other than general instructions on Breathe Flow Strips products to only use them for the purposes indicated on the packet. Lack of control of sales channels concerning clubs and club-goers.Opportunity Restore and fortify public confidence in Breathe Flow Strips by mounting an anti-drugs campaign and involving current popular endorsers in this campaignThreats Mounting public pressure to curtail or ban the sales of Breathe Flow Strips, possibility of government intervention, growing perception by drugs-users of Breathe Flow Strips products being a desirable accessory to drugs abuse.For the CASE analysis (Confront, Avoid, Search, Exploit)Confront (Strength against Threat) The company must leverage its current public image to the full and publicly state its ban on the use of Breathe Flow Strips for any application other than medical and sporting. Involvement of endorsers in a campaign in clubs to warn against the dangers of drug abuse.Avoid (Weakness against Threat) Avoid confrontation with the public or with BBC Watchdog, even though the company has always acted with award and integrity. Avoid discussion of lack of prior information concerning the abuse problem that might be interpreted as negligent on the part of the company.Search (Weakness compared to Opportunity) Issues Management group to repair public image and to prevent the recurrence of similar situations.Exploit (Strength compared to Opportunity) Strengthen endorsement relationship by involving popular endorsers in an
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Sea Level Rise Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sea Level Rise Crisis - Research Paper ExampleGlobal heating has given rescind to the climate deviates which is one of the most addressed global problems. Millions of people be getting influenced with the variations in the climate conditions which have affected the lifestyle of many individuals all over the world. Thanks to the inlet of the peeled technologies and the greater energy efficiency methods which have given birth to problems such as putting surface stomachs gases affects, one of the many reasons behind the climate changes. Over the last hundred years, the earths intermediate temperature has increased by three quarters of a degree centigrade (1.3 F) this seemingly minor change may strike some people as inconsequential. However if global warming adjusts just another 4 C (7F) or so to the atmospheric temperature, both Greenland and Antarctica can be on their way to meltdown (Jerry 2008.) The extreme changes in the climate conditions couple with the green house ga ses emission provide cause the glaciers to melt, which will as a result cause the sea water to heat and will expand thermally. nonpareil of the biggest holy terror imposed by global warming to the world is that of the rising sea trains, for which the consequences are sack to be catastrophic. As discussed above, the expansion of the sea water causes the sea level to increase, because the water warms up payable to the constantly changing climatic conditions. Rate of change in the sea level from the year 1870-2000 was 1.70 mm whereas in comparison to this figure the rate of change in the sea level from 1993 to 2012 is 3.12 mm. (NASA 2012) As per the new-fashioned reports, one of the massive drinking glass shelves of Antarctica are in like manner decreasing because of the warm water that resides below the ice shelves. Due to the shrinkage of the ice levels, the sea water level will start rising at a much faster rate than what the scientists have been predicting so far. The west ern chunk of Antarctica is losing 23 feet of its directionless ice sheet each year. (Mail Online 2012) However after intense research, the scientists have been able to conclude that the rise in the sea level is directly associated with the thermal expansion, which is the water of the ocean getting warm causes it to expand. Secondly, the change in the sea level can also be associated with the land based ice which is thawing at a rapid speed due to global warming and the emission of the green house gases. Since most of the stored water on land is found in the form of glaciers and ice sheets, this means that melt down of these forms will directly result in the sea level increment. Rising sea level is a justification or rather a proof that the world today faces a threat from the anthropogenic ( tender-hearted based) warming contributions, which in the late 20th century has caused the sea level to rise to new levels. The contribution to the rising levels is associated with Greenland, An tarctica, and the melt down of other important ice sheets and glaciers. The effects of the constant changes in the climate conditions and then the rising sea levels can have de bigating effects on the human kind. As per the increases which have been mentioned above, it is also been shared that with respect to these changes, there will be a vast number of influences on the coastal systems. Coast erosion, changes in the quality of the water, high storm flooding are few of the many effects that this rise will bring along with itself. There will also be changes in the surface water quality which will result in the monetary losings as well as non monetary
Friday, April 26, 2019
Moral Intelligence Development Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
lesson Intelligence Development Paper - Essay Example almost might argue that we already have an idea of our force-outs and weaknesses, keying our core values, yet we sometimes insist on believing in what we think is right or wrong. To help us identify these uncertainties, Lennick and Kiel created a Moral Competency neckcloth (MCI). This is a worksheet with a set of values that will help us identify our strengths and point out our weaknesses to measure our moral competency alignment to give us a come apart understanding how we behave everyday and reexamine the values that needs improvement.In considering the Moral Competency Inventory in the context of my own there are a number of not commensurate findings. The results indicate my strength is admitting mistakes and failures. This shows that I have the quality of being responsible this is an important part of a morally heavy person. According to Lennick and Kiel, only a person willing to take responsibility for her actions-and c onsequences of those actions- will be able to ensure that her actions conform to universal human principles. I used to be an individual that took life history for tending(p) and just road wherever the boat took me. During my teenage years, I ended up in considerable trouble disregarded the law, dropped school, served time in jail, etc. But when I turned to my early twenties, a wonderful thing happened to my life my first child was born. Although it took me a year to realize the importance of responsibility, I was able to overcome a lot of obstacles to be where I am right now. Im currently a full-time student, working, and a single father of a six year white-haired boy. Admitting my mistakes and failures was one of the hardest decisions I made in my life, but it was also one of the most rewarding aspects of my life maybe thats why my strength from MCI is admitting mistakes and failures.I was not completely aware of my strengths, but I do believe that Im capable of
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Compare and contrast business systems in Japan and China. Answer with Essay
Compare and contrast business formations in japan and China. Answer with reference to relevant theories and use comparative region - Essay ExampleThe similarity betwixt the political systems in the countries is that both are state capitalistic countries a system which incorporates both ease enterprise and government control to generate rapid or unmatched study and growth of their economies as well as the industrial sector. This system was used in japan to instigate rapid sparing growth and development but later resulted in huge economic dangers for the country. The system that brought japan to propinquity to the worlds largest economy also almost led its economy into turmoil. Hence, many may take on themselves, is China on the right route with the use of a business or market system that once proved a failure and a danger in its rival country Japan? Can the selfsame(prenominal) fate that took Japan come Chinas way? Japan instigated the capitalist form of governance in Asia du ring the 1950s and 1970s when it produced similar trends in economic growth and development as that produced by China in the current economic market (Yiping and Kunyu, 2011). ... Huge savings domestically were forcefully invested in these industries. The system enabled Japan to generate large cash surpluses due to export onward motion instead of domestic consumption leading to Japan being accused of intentionally lowering the apprise of the yen so that its exports could be competitive in the global market. This period did not only becharm Japans capitalism produce enormous development and economic growth in the country but it also promoted the emergence of new industries that are globally competitive such as semiconductor and steel industries. This success led to some advocates from the US and other nations relishing the business system of Japan to an extent of some suggesting the system be implemented in nations such as the US so as to emulate Japans economic growth and develop ment. Apparently, China has taken the same path as that which Japan took during its brighter economic days. Japans crisis began with the increase in oil prices that had a gigantic effect on the Japans critical manufacturing industries. This had adverse financial impacts on Japans economic system. Japan was quick to notice this trend and instead, changed its development and growth strategies from manufacturing establish industries to production based on knowledge i.e. the serving industry. The service industry accounts for about 65% of employees in Japan whereas the same is only but 26% in China, indicating that China is more dependent on manufacturing industry than the service industry. The government of China controls the lending practices via a banking system that is state-owned and directs the funds to pillar industries, mostly steel and travel manufacturing industries. Through provision
Job interview questions and answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Job interview questions and answer - Essay ExampleIm proven to be a fast learner, have an extremely outgoing personality and ability to work below situations of pressure. I have well proven communication skills. My professional achievements would be a driving force encouraging me all through my career. I have proved my runership skills and have the aptitude to train. another(prenominal) added strength of mine is the ability to work efficiently in both self driven and group environments.I need more training in research processes. As my experience had been more into the managerial aspects, I could hardly get any chance to get trained in the area. However, if given a chance to get trained in the area, I am quite sure to acquire expertise in research as well.With regard to the experience I hold in the field, I am confident to be fit for a number of career options. However, considering the success I have had as a leader, I would fit in best into the slot of a leader who is assigned t o lead the team towards newer heights of success.If given the opportunity to work in your prestigious organization, I shall endeavor to complete the requirements of the position to the best of my ability and to the satisfaction of the management. Moreover, I can contribute largely towards the cause of the play along with the expertise I have acquired. I am confident to lead the team towards the vision of the
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Triangulation in Geometry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Triangulation in Geometry - Research piece of music ExampleMore specifically, it can be defined as the underlying space of a simplicial compound. Here, a polyhedron can be viewed as an intersection of halfspaces (Webster 1994).Then, a convex polytope may be defined as the convex hull of a finite set of points (which are always bounded), or as a bounded intersection of a finite set of half-spaces (Webster 1994). More specifically, it can be defined as a finite region of -dimensional space enclosed by a finite number of hyperplanes. The set forth of the polytope that lies in one of the bounding hyperplanes is called a cell (Weisstein 2002).Simplex is the generalization of a tetrahedral region of space to -D. The termination of a -simplex has - fronts (vertices), -faces (edges), and -faces, where is a binomial coefficient. The simplex named because it represents the simplest possible polytope in any given space (Weisstein 2002).Simplicial complex is a space with a triangulation. For mally, a simplicial complex in is a collection of simplices in such that (i) every face of a simplex of is in , and (ii) the intersection of any two simplices of is a face of each of them (Munkres 1993). Objects in the space made up of only the simplices in the triangulation of the space are called simplicial subcomplexes (Weisstein 2002). Usually, break through is a -D submanifold of -D Euclidean space. More generally, surface is an -D submanifold of an -D manifold, or in general, any codimension-1 subobject in an object comparable a Banach space or an infinitedimensional manifold. A surface with a finite number of triangles in its triangulation is called confederacy surface (Weisstein 2002).Genus is a topologically invariant property of a surface defined as the largest number of nonintersecting simple closed curves that can be drawn on the surface without separating it. In fact, it is the number of holes in a surface (Weisstein 2002). The geometric genus of a surface is relate d to the Euler characteristic by .Our final expose definition is for Betti numbers. Betti numbers are topological objects which were proved to be invariants by Poincar, and used by him to extend the polyhedral formula to higher dimensional spaces. Informally, the Betti number is the maximum number of cuts that can be made without dividing a surface into two separate pieces. Formally, the -th Betti number is the rank of the -th homology group of a topological space (Griffiths 1976 Weisstein 2002). 2. Eulers theoremEulers theorem states relation amidst the number of vertices , edges , and faces of a simply connected (i.e., genus ) polyhedron () or polygon (), i.e. it states the polyhedral formula . Initial Eulers verification of the polyhedral formula is not irreproachable (Cromwell 1999). This proof is based on the principle that polyhedrons can be truncated. Eulers proof begins with a polyhedron consisting of a large number of vertice
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
European imperialism was sometimes supported by the claim that it was Essay
European imperialism was sometimes supported by the claim that it was part of a civilizing mission to other parts of the world. Construct a historical contention - Essay ExampleConrads brass of Darkness is partially autobiographical in that it depicts an actual half a dozen month journey by Joseph Conrad up the Congo River where he commandeered a steamboat following the death of the lord in 1890.1 Conrad himself is quoted as having saidAlthough European colonialism can be traced back to the 13th century the colonizing of Africa began in Africa in earnest around the mid to late 19th century.3 With the transformation from the Victorian era to the industrial era, European politics represented colonial exploits as a means of expanding trade, spreading religion and civilizing receding(prenominal) nations.4 Many historians however have countered this theory by offering views that the advances in modern technology that followed the industrial revolution, particularly the advent of the steamboat, made it possible for Europeans to travel to Africa exploiting the land for raw materials and natives for labour.5 In his book, Tools of Empire, Daniel Headrick explains thatConrads Heart of Darkness takes an approach which is vastly similar to Headricks theory of European imperialism. In the final digest European imperialism was no more than a manifestation of a desire for expansion brought on by the greed associated with industrial growth. In the interim this desire gave way to corrupt power and corrupt mold at the expense of the natives and their civilization.Marlow represents the trusting European who has no reason to doubt that the African conquest is no more than a quest to enlighten and improve upon the quality of life of the uncivilized African. During the journey on the Congo however, Marlow slowly comes to the realization that a combination of greed and disease contributes to a demoralizing conquest. one that is characterized by torture and exploitation of Af rican natives for what appears to be one aim, economic growth. The welfare of the native is the
Monday, April 22, 2019
Management 4330 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management 4330 - rise ExampleKathryn resultant roleually leads the team to acceptance of their difference and corrections or criticisms from their individuals. In fact, the final recall or meeting reveals a team that openly corrects one an early(a). They follow her decision to correct other self-importancecentric employees like Mikey, who could non take criticism from her peers (Lencioni 64). Therefore, Kathryn used trustworthiness as a prick to do away with mistrust problems like backstabbing and lack of openness.Effective teams nurture others and shape up team fit and the attribute was missing in the previous leadership at Decision Tech. The underlying assumption is that teams that encourage group work outperform than individuals working alone. The attribute was previously missing in Decision since the members had sorry relationships and poor communication. All problems within the company are as a result of the teams inability to communicate clearly. Kathryn inherited a t eam where individuals are more self-centered and put their ego before anything in the company. For instance, Mikey, the head of marketing, has trouble communicating what she feels about others in the company (Lencioni 20). Others like Jan, with her be in finance management, looks down on others and also treat company money like hers. When electric discharge the head of marketing, Kathryn confirms that the manner in which the marketing head behaves affects the morale of the team. The new CEO also complains that Mikey does not consider how her behavior might affect others. The previous team was so self-centered that the members could not event confront each other in meetings.At the group formation stage, the team always develops both(prenominal) norms where some are good while others are bad (Whetten and Cameron 498). At Decision Tech, Kathryn inherited a dysfunctional group with unique behavioral norms. One of the behavioral norms in the previous team was is the trick of invulner ability. The team believed did past success and was
Sunday, April 21, 2019
The Importance of Management and Marketing within Business Essay
The Importance of Management and Marketing within Business Organization and the carry on of Technology - Essay ExampleThis research will begin with the statement that it is difficult to define concern in few words because of the complex parameters involved in the centering military operation. In simple terms, precaution is the process of dealing or unequivocal things or people. One of the most common function of forethought is getting things done through new(prenominal)s. According to Henri Fayol, To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control whereas Peter Drucker, specify Management as a multi-purpose organ that manages business and manages managers and manages workers and work. From the above definitions, it is evident that management is exceedingly complex term which has got multi-dimensions. On the other hand, marketing is a process of informing the customers about the take to be or utility of a product or service, and to e ncourage the customers to purchase it. It is defined as the process of determining the needs and wants of consumers and being able to deliver products that satisfy those needs and wants. Marketing includes all of the activities required to move a product from the producer to the consumer. Management is a process which helps to achieve group goals, optimum Utilization of Resources, reduction of costs. It is a process which establishes sound organization and equilibrium. Moreover, it helps the society to achieve prosperity. Man, material, machine, and money argon the four most important resources of an organization. Management is the process, which helps the coordination of all these organizational resources. For example, finance department is responsible for the management of money in an organization. Same way, human resource department look after the manpower resources whereas engineering science or production department look after the machineries and materials. Even though differ ent departments are controlling the organizational resources, it is the process of management, which helps them to utilize these resources judiciously so that the organization benefits from these resources. Many people have the whoremonger that management is a function restricted only to the executives of an organization. In fact, Management is a function normally undertaken by people of all calibre. For example, a housekeeper is responsible for managing the resources of a house properly whereas a eddy worker is responsible for managing the works assigned to him. A housewife manages the education of her children while her husband manages other family matters. In short, management is a function which can be seen everywhere. It is impossible for this world to move a step forward without management of different kinds. All organizations depend upon group efforts. Group action and colligation efforts have become necessary in every walk of life. Management is required wherever ii or m ore people work together to achieve common objectives. The success in group efforts depends upon unwashed cooperation among the members of the group. Management creates teamwork and coordination among specialized efforts. Management is indispensable in all organizations whether a business firm, a rulement, a hospital, a college, a club, etc. Management is a creative force which helps in the optimum utilization of resources. No two individuals are alike. This is true in the organizational world also. It should be tell that current organizations are heavily globalized so that they forced to employ people from different parts of the world. mixed bag helps organizations in many ways. At the same time diversity creates lot of problems also. Coordination of diverse workforce is highly difficult. Management is the process, which helps human resource managers to coordinate diverse workforce effectively.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Microeconomic Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Microeconomic Questions - Essay voiceHow would, therefore, their profits differ from each other? 11 Is the stretchableity of motivation useful in scathe of predicting the new equilibrium equipment casualty and mensuration in a market following a deck to the supply fold? When there is an increase or a decrease in the supply, the effect on the market is dependent on the elasticity of demand. The more inelastic is the demand curve, the less amount of total is sold as well as the price changes keeping all other things equal. When the demand curve is more elastic, the more changes in quantity bring fewer changes in price in a situation of ceteris Paribas. The magnitude of the effect of the supply side shock is not independent of price elasticity. In a situation of inelastic demand firms wear the ability to raise prices as they ordain have to suffer from provided a clarified drop in demand conditions. The responds of the producers as well as the consumers piece of ass affect the supply side shocks. The supply of fast food is elastic. The lesson from the elasticity concepts is more elastic is the curve, the more quantity changes and the more inelastic is the curve the more price changes. The elasticity is not only useful in order to predict the events of the markets but also to analyze the policies of the government. If a new incision is built near the shopping complex of a fast food company, the price of hamburger is not rise as much as the sales mainly because the fast food company is alike small to generate such a demand that have the potential to increase the price. The elasticity of demand is of course useful in predicting the new equilibrium price as well as quantity because the case or the trend of the demand curve because of the shock can be judged by the revalue of the elasticity. Under perfect competition, describe the long and short escape outcomes if a demand curve were to teddy to the left. A large number of small firms comprise the ma rket for perfect competition. Each firm is small compared to the entire market. The comprising firms set the identical products. The customers as well as the firms are well informed about(predicate) the prices. There are no barriers to entry for other firms to come to into the market. In the short run the firms can change only the variable factor namely labor. The other decisions are predetermined. In the long run the firms have the potential to change their scale. In the short run when the existing price is less than the second-rate out cost curve it is better for the firm to close nap. When the price is above the minimum point of average total cost, the firm makes profits. In the long run when a certain firm makes profits, new firms enter into the market. In the long run unlike monopoly or oligopoly it is not possible for a firm in perfect competition to earn economic profits. In a situation of perfect competition, the firm will be able to earn only normal profits and the dem and curve will regard the total average cots curve at the minimum point. The firm must decide whether to continue with the credit line in the long run and cover up the expenses. The decisions in the long run are establish on the dependence between the price and the average cost curve in the long run. If the price is greater than or equal to average cots, the firm will continue to operate and close down otherwise. The above diagram represents a situation under perfect competition. In this case there is leftward shift of the market demand curve due to some reasons. The initial equilibrium price
Friday, April 19, 2019
INTEREST GROUP AND POLICY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
INTEREST GROUP AND POLICY - Essay congressmanThe domestic insurance form _or_ system of government will range from how to solve insignificantly simple problems to how to handle a n issue of a huge magnitude to the nation. In a nut shell, domestic policy entails picture laws and regulations to govern the internal affairs of the nation (Steffen Schmidt et al 2012-2013). The domestic policies are regulatory, redistributive and promotional policy. In oscilloscope the policies a particular policy, there are kindleed groups who petition the politics to take into considerations their individual needs. The interest groups comprises of the people with vested interests on how the government is planning to address a particular issue. They express engage the government on completely phases of policy making by submitting proposals, participating in legislation, enlightening the beneficiaries on how the policy will impact on their lives and even demonstration and engaging the government in litigation if they spirit aggrieved by the government actions regarding the policy issue being addressed. The policy issue of focus in this content is health care. Health care issue According to Steffen et al, social security is redistributive policy as it aims at achieving fairness in the country by focusing on the wealth redistribution. The social security includes health care. The central government expenditure on health care has been on a rise since from close to six percent in 1965 to about seventeen percent of the economy in the year 2012 (Steffen Schmidt et al 2012-2013). ... Most nations adopted the universal health care system in the 20th century and so our nation was no exception (Steffen Schmidt et al 2012-2013). With the need to help millions of people with affordable Medicare, the universal health care has become a political issue with former presidents care Bill Clinton putting in effort to introduce it without success. Several proposals were made including the one adopted by Massachusetts in 2006 where all citizens were to receive insurance and low income earners would receive subsidies from central government in effort to raise their business leader to pay premiums. The 2010 universal healthcare plan guarantees every American the health cover of her/his choice. Interest groups rear to the individuals who want particular interests catered for. This means that they are organizations that join forces to have the government hear their voice during policy making and implementation. According to pluralist theory, interest groups bring representation to all thus every one wields advocate and influence. The interest groups fall in categories like public interest groups that are mandated with fighting for public interests like fights against pollution, business industry interest groups that foster the interests of the respective business and lastly the professional interest groups that process with particular professional , for instance the t eachers union. The interest groups are dominated by the more informed and tumesce endowed thus meaning they may not necessarily be the face of democracy. The interested groups in the health care apart from the government include American medical associations, national
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