Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Financial Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial Decision Making - Essay Example Therefore, it won't be an exaggeration to say that finance is the lifeblood of all enterprises. This is particularly so when economics are undergoing structural changes and economic reforms are in the making to introduce greater elements of competitive forces. In a competitive environment managers are faced with a challenge to compete for resources and to find a better utilization of such resources. Finance is a specialized subject in itself but it draws heavily on other related functions like marketing, production, personnel, purchase etc. Drury (2004, p.5) states "Management accounting is concerned with the provision of information to people within the organization to help them make better decisions and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of existing operations" (Lev, 2001) stated that existing financial accounting standards sharply distinguish between physical and intangible assets. While physical assets (e.g., property, plant, and equipment) are valued on the balance sheet at the price paid to obtain them, less accumulated depreciation, intangible "assets" are expensed as incurred. Accounting is therefore considered an integral part of the knowledge management within an organization. ... What mix of equity and debt to use How much financial risk to take Making a calculated financial decision makes a big difference between a prosperous and growing business and a liability. The prime function of a management executive in a business organization is decision-making and forward planning. Decision making means the process of selecting one action from two or more alternative courses of action whereas forward planning involves means establishing plans for the future. The question of choice arises because resources such as capital, land, labor and management are limited and can be employed in alternative uses. The manager is thus supposed to analyze the past data, current information and the estimates about future predicted as best as possible. This application of economic theory to business management is known as managerial economics. This is micro-economic in character as the unit of study is the company. The following aspects are said to be generally under the ambit of managerial economics; Demand analysis and forecasting Cost and production analysis Pricing decisions, policies and practices Profit management Capital management. Often a distinction is made between management accounting and financial accounting. Management accounting measures and reports financial and non-financial information that helps managers make decisions to fulfill the goals of the organization. Its focus is on internal reporting. On the other hand financial accounting is considered to have a focus on reporting to external parties. It measures and records business transactions and provides financial statements that are based on the 'Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)'. Therefore managers are responsible for the financial statements
Monday, October 28, 2019
Moral Teachings of the Catholic Church Essay Example for Free
Moral Teachings of the Catholic Church Essay Introduction: Catholics believes that acting morally means acting in accordance with the eternal laws of God, which are written into the human hearts so deeply that even those who know nothing of God can follow the path of morality. According to Cynthia Stewart, Nature law, as this interior marking is called, comes to humans through their capacity to reason, which sparks the conscience to respond to the eternal law. This means that people of other religions or the non religious all have the capacity to act as morally as catholic Christians, it is believes that they will struggle more since they will not have the benefit of the sacraments that opens them to grace to resist sin. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) regarded sin as a word, deed or desire contrary to the eternal law. The church classified sin into two parts, they are: mortal and venial sin. Catholic moral theology divides sin into two parts, primarily on the basis of degree and effect: What is mortal sin? According to :à ââ¬Å"Mortal sin is a radical possibility of human freedom, as is love itself. It results in the loss of charity and the private of sanctifying grace, that is, of the state of grace. If it is not redeemed by repentance of Gods forgiveness, it causes exclusion to make choices for ever, with no turning back. However, although we can judge that an act is in itself a serious offense, we must entrust judgment of persons to the justice and mercy of God.â⬠For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must be met: Mortal sin is a sin whose object is a serious matter and which is also committed with full intension awareness and deliberate consent. A serious matter is specified by the Ten Commandments Corresponding to the answer to the rich young man: â â" Do not kill â â" Do not commit adultery â â" Do not steal â â" Do not bear false witness â â" Do not defraud â â" Honor your father and your mother What is venial sin? According to chrome://newtabhttp// Venial (Pardonable) sin Positively, this sin does not directly destroy the relationship with God. Rather, it weakens that relationship. Unremitted venial sins can affect the duration spent in Purgatory. Therefore the church encourages confession of these types of sins as well without being strictly necessary. Confession of everyday faults (venial sins) is nevertheless strongly recommended by the church. Example of venial sin is, selfishness, jealously and anger. Venial sin involves the disobedience of the law of God in slight (venial) matters. If we gossip and destroy a persons reputation it would be a mortal sin. However, normally gossip is about trivial matters and only venially sinful. Additionally, something that is otherwise a mortal sin (e.g. slander) may be in a particular case only a venial sin. The person may have acted without reflection or under force of habit. Thus, not fully intending the action their guilt before God is reduced. It is always good to remember, especially those who are trying to be faithful but sometimes fall, that for mortal sin it must not only be, 1) Serious matter, but 2) The person must know it is serious and then 3) Freely commit it as was said previously. These two categories of sin are explicitly to be found in Sacred Scripture. In the Old Covenant there were sins that merited the death penalty and sins that could be expiated by an offering. This Law was a teacher that prepared the way for the faith (Gal. 3:24). In the New Covenant these materialà categories are replaced by spiritual ones, natural death by eternal death. There are thus daily faults for which we must daily ask forgiveness (Mt. 6:12), for even the just man falls seven times a day (Prov. 24:16), and mortal faults that separate the sinner from God (1 Cor. 6:9-10) for all eternity. Indulgence The punishment of sin is also divided into two parts by catholic theology; they are, eternal and temporal. Normally, the eternal punishment for sin can be remitted through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. However, the church maintains that there is still a temporal punishment to be borne, as all sin is an affront to God. This then leads to the idea of Purgatory as a place where unremitted sin can be removed in the afterlife. Temporal punishment can be reduced or removed/ forgiven due to the concept of merit. Merit Doing more then is required by God can earn an individual merit. The most important merit is Christ himself, this is adequate enough to eliminate temporal penalty for all sin. The Merits of Christ and the saints form a treasury of merit. The Catholic Church maintains that it has the authority to dispense merit because of Christââ¬â¢s promise to peter in Matthew 16:19. Therefore an Indulgence is simply a way of using this extra merit to reduce or remove the temporal penalty of sin. Indulgences may only be given to those who have no unconfessed mortal sins. According to whether the temporal penalty of sin is partially or fully removed, the Indulgence is called Partial or Plenary respectively. Abortion: Abortion is referred to as any death of a baby in the womb and its expulsion form the motherââ¬â¢s body according to todayââ¬â¢s issues and Christian beliefs. Since the first century the church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not change and remains unchangeable.à Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the mortal law. It is important to distinguish between direct and indirect abortion: Indirect abortion occurs when treatment given to save the life of the Mother has the secondary effect of causing an abortion. In certain cases, this is considered permissible. The seriousness of the matter is highlighted by the fact that those who participate in or carry out direct abortions face the penalty of automatic excommunication from the church. The catholic theology teachings that human life begins from the moment of conception and as our entire human the unborn child should be see as a child of God as should therefore be protected. Hence the deliberate abortion of a child is a serious in all circumstances for it the killing of an innocent individual. The views of the religious leader of the Catholic Church have always been against as is proven by the following statements. ââ¬Å"Human life is sacred; all men must recognize that factâ⬠Pope Paul VI (Humanae Vitae) ââ¬Å"Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of the conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimesâ⬠(Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes 51) The bible also gives perspectives on abortion in the following verses: Genesis 1:27 ââ¬Å"God created human beings in his own imagine in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them ââ¬Å"be fruitful and increaseâ⬠. Luke 12:6 ââ¬Å"Jesus said, ââ¬Å"isnââ¬â¢t five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one sparrow is forgotten by God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. ââ¬Å" Isaiah 49:15-16 ââ¬Å"so the lord answers, ââ¬Ëcan a woman forget her own baby and not love the child she bore? Even if a mother should forget her child, I will never forget you! I have written your name in the palms of my hand. Contraceptives Contraception is ââ¬Å"any actions which, either in anticipation of the conjugal act or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossibleâ⬠according to Humanae vitae 14. This includes sterilization, condoms and other barrier methods, spermicidal, coitus interruptus (withdrawal method), the pill, and all other such methods. The Catholic Church has strongly condemned all artificial methods of Contraceptives. Infact the church regards contraception as mortally sinful. The official position is stated in the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae , issued by Pope Paul VI in 1968. Though the Catholic Church rejects contraception, it does encourage a responsible attitude amongst couples in their spacing of births. It permits what is known as Natural family planning (NFP), which is a method whereby intercourse is avoided on those days when a woman is at the most fertile phase of her menstrual cycle. NFP can be taught by a specialist practitioner and success rates of well over 90% are claimed when the method is correctly followed. The bibles perspective on contraceptive: Genesis 38:8-10 ââ¬Å" then Judah said Erââ¬â¢s brother Onan , ââ¬Å"go and sleep with your brotherââ¬â¢s widow, fulfill your obligations to her as her husbands brother, so that your brother may have descendants. But knew the children would not belong to him. So he had intercourse with her, he left his semen spill on the ground so there would be not descendants of his brother, what he did displeased the lord and he killed him also. Homosexuality Homosexuality refers to elations between men or between woman who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex according to chrome://newtabhttp// The Catholic view is that all Homosexual acts are morally and intrinsically wrong and thus the church requires people with Homosexual leanings to remain celibate. It also encourages proper respect as human beings for all Homosexual people, being opposed to any form of discrimination and persecution of Homosexuals. The church distinguishes between Homosexual acts and Homosexual leanings the latter may not be necessarily sinful. In 1986, the church issued its Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, explaining this distinction: Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder. In 2005, the church issued its Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and t o Holy Orders. The policy states that those men with deeply rooted homosexual tendencies cannot be ordained under any circumstances. The rejection of homosexual behavior that is found in the Old Testament is well known. In Genesis19, two angels in disguise visit the city of Sodom and are offered hospitality and shelter by lot. During the night, the men of Sodom demand that lot hand over his guests for homosexual intercourse. Lot refuses, and the angels blind the men of Sodom. Lot and his household escape and the town is destroyed by fire ââ¬Å"because the outcry against its people has become great before the lord.â⬠(Genesis 19:13). The incident is not the only time the Old Testament deals with homosexuality. An explicit condemnation is found in the book of Leviticus: ââ¬Å"you shall not lie with a male as with aà woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon themâ⬠( Lev. 18:22:20:13) Summary: To act morally is to follow Godââ¬â¢s eternal law which is written deeply in the hearts of every human being despite race or religion. Even thought the ability to act morally is in us as human being we often fall victims to sin. Sin refers to an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law, the church divides sin into two categories, Mortal sin, which is an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace. Examples of mortal sin are: adultery, abortion, murder. Venial sin the other types of sin are referred to as a relatively slight sin that does not entail damnation of soul. Example of venial sin is: selfishness, anger, jealousy. Issues that impact us today are: â â" Abortion which is refers to as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy or a miscarriage. The Catholic Church has consistently condemned the act of abortion. Catholics views human life as sacred and maintains that it should be protected by every means necessary as was stated by Pope Paul VI (Humanae Vitae). Biblical prove can also be found in Psalm 127:3 ââ¬Å"Truly children are a gift from the lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.â⬠â â" Contraceptive can be defined as the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse. The Catholic Church has strongly condemned all artificial methods of contraceptives as regards it as mortally sinful. Biblical proof to support this view can be found in Jeremiah 1:5 ââ¬Å"I chose you before I gave you life, and before you were born I selected you to be a prophet to the nations.â⬠â â" Homosexuality is the manifestation of sexual desire towards a member of oneââ¬â¢s own sex. The Catholic Church encourages proper respect as human beings even homosexuals although Catholics view are that all homosexual acts are intrinsically and morally wrong and encourages people with homosexual feelings to remain celibate. The bible conforms this in Leviticus 18:22 ââ¬Å"thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abominationâ⬠Catholic theology also divides punishment for sins such asà those listed above in to two parts; they are eternal punishment which is sins that can be remitted through the sacrament of reconciliation. And temporal punishment which refers to punishment that can be reduce, removed or forgiven due to the concept of merit. Merit is referred to as doing more then is required by God.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Authoritarianism: Prevail, or Not? Essay -- Government Political Scie
ââ¬Å"History proves that all dictatorships, all authoritarian forms of government are transient. Only democratic systems are not transient. Whatever the shortcomings, mankind has not devised anything superior,â⬠Vladimir Putin once said this. With such a view of authoritarianism, there would be assumption that the entire world is on its way to seek such democracy if it is such a clear, correct choice. However, nothing is ever so simple, and this is not the case. In this essay I will take a look at how authoritarianism fails, as well as why it is able to prevail is some areas. Authoritarian forms of government do sometimes fail. The reasons for such failure include the publicââ¬â¢s dissatisfaction with the current governmental regime, the emergence of relevant opposition, political negotiation with elites, the physical location as well as history of freedom in a given nation, and the deserting of the authoritarian leader. While there are legitimate reasons for nondemocratic regime failure and there have been great moves toward a more democratic world, there are also reasons authoritarianism is able to sustain and survive in some cases. The fairly recent back-slipping from democratic rule to nondemocratic rule, or authoritarianism, is contingent on many factors. Factors ranging from a stateââ¬â¢s mineral wealth, to its history of repression, to the fact many new democracies are small and weak allow nondemocratic regimes to sustain and prevail in certain states. One of the first steps in the failure of authoritarianism is public dissatisfaction. There must be people within the state that are not content with the way the nondemocratic regime is governing. This sort of disapproval sets in motion a movement toward the breakdown of t... represent the public interests. So, elites cash in on the resources while letting the rest of the nation suffer. Governments evolve and change all of the time. What makes a state fail or prevail as nondemocratic depends on very many things. And, although we cannot be sure what is to come for a given nation unquestionably, this paper is an overview of some basic, guiding tendencies and situations that cause a state to either fail or prevail as an authoritarian regime. Only time will tell what is truly in store for the world governing systems. Works Cited O'Neil, Patrick H., and Ronald Rogowski. "Chapterb6." Essential Readings in Comparative Politics. Third ed. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2006. 205-41. Print. O'Neil, Patrick H. "Chapter 6, Chapter 8." Essentials of Comparative Politics. Third ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton &, 2007. 141-162+. Print. Authoritarianism: Prevail, or Not? Essay -- Government Political Scie ââ¬Å"History proves that all dictatorships, all authoritarian forms of government are transient. Only democratic systems are not transient. Whatever the shortcomings, mankind has not devised anything superior,â⬠Vladimir Putin once said this. With such a view of authoritarianism, there would be assumption that the entire world is on its way to seek such democracy if it is such a clear, correct choice. However, nothing is ever so simple, and this is not the case. In this essay I will take a look at how authoritarianism fails, as well as why it is able to prevail is some areas. Authoritarian forms of government do sometimes fail. The reasons for such failure include the publicââ¬â¢s dissatisfaction with the current governmental regime, the emergence of relevant opposition, political negotiation with elites, the physical location as well as history of freedom in a given nation, and the deserting of the authoritarian leader. While there are legitimate reasons for nondemocratic regime failure and there have been great moves toward a more democratic world, there are also reasons authoritarianism is able to sustain and survive in some cases. The fairly recent back-slipping from democratic rule to nondemocratic rule, or authoritarianism, is contingent on many factors. Factors ranging from a stateââ¬â¢s mineral wealth, to its history of repression, to the fact many new democracies are small and weak allow nondemocratic regimes to sustain and prevail in certain states. One of the first steps in the failure of authoritarianism is public dissatisfaction. There must be people within the state that are not content with the way the nondemocratic regime is governing. This sort of disapproval sets in motion a movement toward the breakdown of t... represent the public interests. So, elites cash in on the resources while letting the rest of the nation suffer. Governments evolve and change all of the time. What makes a state fail or prevail as nondemocratic depends on very many things. And, although we cannot be sure what is to come for a given nation unquestionably, this paper is an overview of some basic, guiding tendencies and situations that cause a state to either fail or prevail as an authoritarian regime. Only time will tell what is truly in store for the world governing systems. Works Cited O'Neil, Patrick H., and Ronald Rogowski. "Chapterb6." Essential Readings in Comparative Politics. Third ed. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2006. 205-41. Print. O'Neil, Patrick H. "Chapter 6, Chapter 8." Essentials of Comparative Politics. Third ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton &, 2007. 141-162+. Print.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Large Format Printing
Introduction [Name of Company] offers a wide array of signs and printing for promoting in all settings and on any occasion. We specialize in large format printing and possess the expertise as well as the experience to produce signs of the highest quality on the market. Yet our company does more than just offer the best technical expertise using state-of-the-art equipment; we also have in house some of the brightest minds that work tirelessly to produce the most creative and cutting-edge designs, giving you a marketing edge. Vehicle Signage We perform professional vehicle wraps, fleet graphics, decals, magnetic signs, and boat wraps using only the highest quality media and inks that are guaranteed to withstand the elementsââ¬âkeeping your project sharp for years to come. Our vinyl images provide a highly reflective quality that gets your vehicle (and your company) noticed night or day. Outdoor Signs Our wide range of outdoor signs is guaranteed to fit your business and your budget. We offer custom made banners, window graphics, wood signs and vinyl lettering. Plus, we have a large selection of standard signs, such as ADA and real estate signs. Our digitally designed and printed solutions will guarantee that you stand out both to your advertising audience as well as to the competition. Interior Signs Our indoor signs include Point of Purchase displays and tradeshow accessories. Our designers have the creativity and expertise to create professional as well as unconventional large format interior signs with graphics that place you and your business at a big advantage. From animated to etched signs, we have all you need. Paper Printing We design a wide range of graphical paper products that provide small, medium and large scaled methods of getting your advertising to customers. Our business cards, post cards, brochures, booklets, and posters provide a high photo-quality finish that accords an added level of excellence and professionalism to your business. Service Types We print in wide format and offer full color service with digital-quality results. Our professionals can design and custom-create logos for your business. We also produce graphical artistry and digital imaging that demonstrate our mastery of the state-of-the-art technology we use for your products. About Us Our company employs the latest in technology along with the most highly trained professionals to provide you with creative and incisive signs that bring the customers to you. Our wide format printers provide you with the breadth of space you need to convey all the details regarding your company or event. Our digital solutions offer you the flexibility of print-on-demand service, so that you never have to waste time, money, or resources. Our range of services include vehicle signage, outdoor and indoor banners, paper and billboard printing plus other formats that plaster your companyââ¬â¢s image all over town and place it indelibly in the minds of your customers. The work we provide gives you a competitive edge in a cut-throat market, where advertising can make the difference between success and failure. Our small and large format signs and banners have the power to distinguish your company or event as one dedicated to excellence. First impressions are lasting, and our company is dedicated to helping your business make the best impression. With our sharp digital imaging, custom fit magnetic signs, and fleet graphics, we feature the strengths of your company in the most distinct detail. Plus we provide the best value for money in the industry, as our skilful designs are custom fitted to your needs through patient and efficient customer service designed around you. At [Name of Company] we are committed to serving you, and will always be the best choice for all your print and display advertising needs. How We Work This company is built around customer satisfaction, and in everything we strive to put you, the customer, first. That is why we focus all our efforts into providing reliable, knowledgeable, creative and friendly service to all we come in contact with. We begin offering you assistance even before you commit to being a customer, as we are interested in facilitating your success in every way we can. We care about the way you present yourself to the worldââ¬âthat is why we offer not only the best customer service, but also the highest quality workmanship with the most committed and qualified staff. Our staff is highly trained to manage the needs of the customer, by first exhibiting excellent communication skills in order that the customersââ¬â¢ needs be properly probed, understood, and satisfied. The knowledge and skill of our staff also manifests itself in the countless creative solutions we are able to provide for your specific business. We are willing and able to combine any and all the forms of our products in order to design the best advertising method for your company, or for any event you wish to promote. Our reputation is fast growing as an efficient, creative, and capable firm that offers friendly and all-inclusive service. Plus we place you in one-on-one consultation with our experts to make sure that you have the chance to fully explain your needs. Your needs are a priority, and we place them first. We make ourselves available throughout the day to serve you, and return your projects to you with time to spare. Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed, so we work hard and remain available until you are completely satisfied. Come and visit us, or continue browsing our site for more information.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Organizational behaviour assignment
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Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Imagery Of The Lion In Agamemnon
Imagery of the Lion in Agamemnon In Aeschylusââ¬â¢ Agamemnon, symbolism is prominent throughout the play, and it is used to represent the feelings of the characters. The Greeks concentrated heavily on symbolism in their everyday life. Worshippers of many gods, the Greeks obviously felt the need to allow one thing to represent another. Their gods were symbols of things on earth that they did not understand; using these gods enabled them to make sense of certain things and/or feelings. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Aeschylus, an obvious product of his idealistic time, would incorporate this belief of symbols into his writing. Agamemnon is overloaded with symbolism; on of the most prominent is the animal imagery. Humans who cease to control themselves legitimately tend to be personified as animals. This statement is justly proven throughout Agamemnon through the use of several different animal symbolisms. One in particular is the lion. The lion can be seen as a powerful animal, as well as be noted for its slyness and deceitful tendencies. This ââ¬Å"king of beastsâ⬠is known to be a bloodthirsty creature that is ruthless and threatening. Lions are also said to be protective, social beasts, and this seemingly contradictory trait is mirrored in some of the characters. In Agamemnon, Aeschylus makes known the similarities between many of the characters and this beast through their common lion-like qualities. In contrast to the play, another characteristic of the lion is that they will often abandon or leave their cubs to die of starvation for their own self-gain. This is ironic to the play because the character most referred to as a lion is Clytaemnestra, the mother. Her motivati on for killing her husband is because he has sacrificed the daughter. This is one paradoxical trait that is not shared between Clytaemnestra and the lion. To the contrary, Agamemnon sacrificing his daughter is in concordance with the behavi... Free Essays on Imagery Of The Lion In Agamemnon Free Essays on Imagery Of The Lion In Agamemnon Imagery of the Lion in Agamemnon In Aeschylusââ¬â¢ Agamemnon, symbolism is prominent throughout the play, and it is used to represent the feelings of the characters. The Greeks concentrated heavily on symbolism in their everyday life. Worshippers of many gods, the Greeks obviously felt the need to allow one thing to represent another. Their gods were symbols of things on earth that they did not understand; using these gods enabled them to make sense of certain things and/or feelings. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Aeschylus, an obvious product of his idealistic time, would incorporate this belief of symbols into his writing. Agamemnon is overloaded with symbolism; on of the most prominent is the animal imagery. Humans who cease to control themselves legitimately tend to be personified as animals. This statement is justly proven throughout Agamemnon through the use of several different animal symbolisms. One in particular is the lion. The lion can be seen as a powerful animal, as well as be noted for its slyness and deceitful tendencies. This ââ¬Å"king of beastsâ⬠is known to be a bloodthirsty creature that is ruthless and threatening. Lions are also said to be protective, social beasts, and this seemingly contradictory trait is mirrored in some of the characters. In Agamemnon, Aeschylus makes known the similarities between many of the characters and this beast through their common lion-like qualities. In contrast to the play, another characteristic of the lion is that they will often abandon or leave their cubs to die of starvation for their own self-gain. This is ironic to the play because the character most referred to as a lion is Clytaemnestra, the mother. Her motivati on for killing her husband is because he has sacrificed the daughter. This is one paradoxical trait that is not shared between Clytaemnestra and the lion. To the contrary, Agamemnon sacrificing his daughter is in concordance with the behavi...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Federal Trade Commission Example
Federal Trade Commission Example Federal Trade Commission ââ¬â Assignment Example Current Mission of FTC Todayââ¬â¢s consumer is capable of making appropriate decisions on the basis of information. However, no one is more knowledgeableabout the product than the manufacturer. And with rising operating costs and competition, businesses may indulge in malpractices to lure the consumers and if unchecked business can harm the economy and the ill-informed consumer. Thus FTC is one such commission that ensures that businesses indulge in promoting healthy competition and provide consumers with information in the basis of which they can make educated choices ( According to the Official (ISC)2 Guide to the ISSMP CBK (2011), FTCââ¬â¢s Competitive Mission involves making use of tools to promote healthy competition and shield consumers from anti-competitive business methods and mergers. Furthermore FTCââ¬â¢s Consumer Protection Mission involves protecting the masses from deceitful and unfair business practices by introducing consumer protection acts which guard consumer rights of all Americans (Tipton, 2011). Areas of FTC Responsibility Federal trade commissionââ¬â¢s job covers enforcing policies that cover nearly all facets of the economy that impact American consumers ( According to Anderson (1989, p.135) some of these areas include ensuring that businesses have appropriate product packaging and labeling, refraining from deceptive advertising, and policies regarding credit and warranties.Information FTC ensures that businesses provide appropriate and sufficient information to consumers to make informed product decisions and can be guarded against fraud ( They accomplish this by means of providing readily available publications in print and through their website.AdvertisingFTC needs to ensure that businesses are not indulging in deceptive or misleading advertising. Frequently quoted examples in this case are those of advertising to children and teens, tobacco and liquor advertising. Product Labeling and PackagingThe product labeling and packaging is an important part of decision-making before product purchase. They tell us about the content of the product and ensure that the product is in good and safe condition before the consumption. This aspect is very important for food products and medicines. Product LiabilityFTC also regulates the manufacture and distribution of hazardous or impure products.Promoting CompetitionFTC is also responsible for promoting healthy competition amongst business so monopolies can be avoided and the US economy can prosper. According to International Antitrust and Competition Policy this involves evaluations of mergers and acquisitions, this is particularly applicable to the mergers which would result in higher prices or less innovation. They also promote competition amongst businesses which impact the masses greatly such as healthcare, real estate and consumer goods ( ReferencesAbout the Federal Trade Commission. Retrieved from about.shtmAnderson, J.W. (1989). Corporate Social Responsibility: Guidelines for Top Managementà . New York, NY : Quorum BooksInternational Antitrust and Competition Policy. à Google eBook. DIANE Publishing. Retrived from Tipton, H. (Editor). (2011). Official (ISC)2à ® Guide to the ISSMPà ® CBKà ® ((ISC)2 Press). 1 Edition. Washington, DC:à Auerbach Publications
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Scientific Hypothesis, Theory, Law Definitions
Scientific Hypothesis, Theory, Law Definitions Words have precise meanings in science. For example, theory, law, and hypothesis dont all mean the same thing. Outside of science, you might say something is just a theory, meaning its a supposition that may or may not be true. In science, however, a theory is an explanation that generally is accepted to be true. Heres a closer look at these important, commonly misused terms. Hypothesis A hypothesis is an educated guess, based on observation. Its a prediction of cause and effect. Usually, a hypothesis can be supported or refuted through experimentation or more observation. A hypothesis can be disproven but not proven to be true. Example: If you see no difference in the cleaning ability of various laundry detergents, you might hypothesize that cleaning effectiveness is not affected by which detergent you use. This hypothesis can be disproven if you observe a stain is removed by one detergent and not another. On the other hand, you cannot prove the hypothesis. Even if you never see a difference in the cleanliness of your clothes after trying a thousand detergents, there might be one more you havent tried that could be different. Model Scientists often construct models to help explain complex concepts. These can be physical models, like a model volcano or atomà or conceptual models, like predictive weather algorithms. A model doesnt contain all the details of the real deal but should include observations known to be valid. Example: Theà Bohr model shows electrons orbiting the atomic nucleus, much the same way as the way planets revolve around the sun. In reality, the movement of electrons is complicated but the model makes it clear that protons and neutrons form a nucleus and electrons tend to move around outside the nucleus. Theory A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it. Therefore, theories can be disproven. Basically, if evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, then the hypothesis can become accepted as a good explanation of a phenomenon. One definition of a theory is to say that its an accepted hypothesis. Example: It is known that on June 30, 1908, in Tunguska, Siberia, there was an explosion equivalent to the detonation of about 15 million tons of TNT. Many hypotheses have been proposed for what caused the explosion. It was theorized that the explosion was caused by a natural extraterrestrial phenomenon, and was not caused by man. Is this theory a fact? No. The event is a recorded fact. Is this theory, generally accepted to be true, based on evidence to-date? Yes. Can this theory be shown to be false and be discarded? Yes. Law A scientific law generalizes a body of observations. At the time its made, no exceptions have been found to a law. Scientific laws explain things but they do not describe them. One way to tell a law and a theory apart is to ask if the description gives you the means to explain why. The word law is used less and less in science, as many laws are only true under limited circumstances. Example: Consider Newtons Law of Gravity. Newton could use this law to predict the behavior of a dropped object but he couldnt explain why it happened. As you can see, there is no proof or absolute truth in science. The closest we get are facts, which are indisputable observations. Note, however, if you define proof as arriving at a logical conclusion, based on the evidence, then there is proof in science. Some work under the definition that to prove something implies it can never be wrong, which is different. If youre asked to define the terms hypothesis, theory, and law, keep in mind the definitions of proof and of these words can vary slightly depending on the scientific discipline. Whats important is to realize they dont all mean the same thing and cannot be used interchangeably.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Profit maximization questions x 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Profit maximization questions x 2 - Essay Example Therefore, the answer is, to strike a balance between the two, that is, to not run after the profits to the extent that morality and values come at stake. As corporations it is imperative for us to hold our businesses in a manner that our personal values, which, in the first place should not be against that of the company, are aligned with what the society expects from us. A Business carries a two fold mandate, to earn profits and to seek to justify the means of doing so. Corporate Behavior should be governed by business ethics and values and at the same time describe certain methods to induce profit maximization. Being a part of the top level management as executive I will seek to define moral and ethical guidelines in which to undertake the business, making it a part of my organizational behavior. The very culture needs to be such that it helps promote values and business ethic. Itââ¬â¢s certainly undesirable to have cost cutting at the expense of low quality and sub standard pr oducts as in a way it may bring in short term profitability and increase shareholder wealth but in the long term it will lead to degradation of the companyââ¬â¢s image. I would try to take measures and communicate throughout the organization to promote moral values and to not give in at the mere expense of profitability. However, this does not mean that the pursuit of profitability is of secondary value. As I stated earlier the key is to strike a balance between the two. I believe seeking profitability on the lines of personal values and beliefs will actually act as a catalyst and exponentially create wealth for the stake holders through better image amongst them. There is absolutely no point in running a business that violates personal values as it shatters the very being and makes him a slave of profitability. Once that violation is made the person has no moral obligation and can go to any extent to achieve the latter objective. Hostile take overââ¬â¢s, industrial espionage or even violating the rights of customers and suppliers may lead to some sort of profitability, but this type of corporate manslaughter is certainly questionable. Having a definitive framework in which to carry out the business would certainly be my initial responsibility and in order to see if its being followed, as most of the time there is a disconnection between the company's code of ethics and the company's actual practices, a corporate Value appraisal system should be in place to keep a check and balance. Ans.2 If we analyze the net profitability after tax the company has had around 11% profitability each year whereas the market moved 13% up in the initial two years and the difference between the last two years is about 8.8%. These numbers suggest that the company is performing in a somewhat similar manner as the market. Now, if the company holds a leading position in the industry and has been having a smooth run of profitability and yet the share price has remained constant, it is certainly a message for the company that something is certainly wrong. The share price explains the sentiments of its investors about that particular company, if they believe that the company will do well, the share price will show a bullish trend but if otherwise, the stock price will go down. Now the company needs to understand and analyze its competitive position in the market. It should seek to evaluate how the consumer perception has changed about the company. Having known that the share value of the competitors has grown, this is a
Friday, October 18, 2019
Single Parent Adoption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Single Parent Adoption - Essay Example In our current society, fewer and fewer American households are daresay traditional families. The stable societal changes have brought about the rise of alternative or non-traditional families, many of which include group living, unmarried cohabitation and single-parent families---all of which are mutually interdependent households, but not recognized as so by the American family law. As part of these alternative or nontraditional families, in the past decade we have begun to see a sharp rise in the number of lesbian and gay men forming their own families through adoption, foster care, artificial insemination and other means. One reason in opposition to single parent adoptions is that it denies children from a customary two-parent family. Omission of a mother or a father could give rise to physical and emotional troubles for some kids, like one case is a review published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology was presented by Vanderbilt University asserting to illustrate that daughters without their fathers encounters puberty sooner than those girls with intimate, compassionate relationships with both parents. Advocates of single parent adoption suppose that an unbalanced or broken home could cause more harm towards a child than those of the lack of one parent (Curto, J. (1983). A healthier home may convey more awareness to this child, which could produce an enormous difference later on with his or her life. They require a parent who would teach them the fundamental early rules of being a good kid. Children might contain a better establishment in relation to what life is all about. In several situations, this reflection might lead children to entrust suicide. A child requires having a better existence. Children need an important person to direct them within their childhood. A kid found in a better home will believe the he or she is more secured. There are a lot of people who have good objectives in adopting a kid because they feel that they need a child inside their lives. A single parent ought to be permitted to adopt a child because it could generate a vast difference with the child's' life as well as with the society. There are many individuals who wish to remain single for various reasons. There are many single parent families that have a loving supportive household. The longing to raise a family together with nurturing a child is frequent for both married couples as well as the single ones. Single individuals might aspire to adopt a child so as to accomplish their need to rear. They might feel as though their existence may be deficient and for that reason they think about adopting a child. I have talked to one single lady who said "I have an established job and I could offer a child numerous benefits." However, there are also some arguments in relation to whether or not single men or women are able to adopt. Our civilization has transformed in several means right through the years. A range of ways that our society has transformed is by means of technology, through way of life, racism, along with many other means. A big modification however, through out the years appears to be with parenthood. I suppose that single individuals should be allowed to adopt a kid. Nevertheless, they still are likely to be a minority whilst the greater part of adoptive parents appears to be couples. On the other hand, in line with the Committee for Single Adoptive Parents, numerous single parents do not suit this depiction. If a single person has an excellent paying
Personal Ethical Statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Personal Ethical Statement - Assignment Example My blind spot, according to the inventory, is the belief that my motives will always justify the methods. Most of the time I fail when it comes to accountability; I have always placed my demands and needs first and I do not care explaining to those who depend on me so long as my needs are satisfied. In addition, sometimes I become complacent and leave many problems unsolved intentionally. People around me always get upset because I always focus on my own motives and ignore the obvious problems around us. My strength lies balancing my entrepreneurship with my responsibilities. I strongly value autonomy since I am self-reliant and accountable to my community. Thus, I avoid being rigid, stick to the usual duties and attempt to follow my dream whenever I get the slightest opportunity. On the other hand, my weakness is becoming greedy or judgmental in my expectations of others. Thus, I am always quick to criticize and label others unethical whenever my coworkers do not meet their job targets or rather fulfill their responsibilities. My values, as per this inventory are sensible and rational. I am a person with the full potential when it comes to finding solutions to societal problems. Managing a personal business is what I want to pursue because this inventory have taught me how to relate with people, regardless of age, social status, sex or race. I have bigger dreams that would benefit my community but in the meantime, working on my weaknesses is my priority since it will shape who I
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Top paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Top - Research Paper Example enic activities such as burning of fossil fuels and emission of green house gases have been said to be the prime suspects many conservative scientists still believe that Global warming is a natural phenomenon and not a man-made one. After the Earthââ¬â¢s origin the temperature of the earth has changed continuously throughout the geologic time period. As a matter of fact global warming is an important phenomenon that is important for survival of life on Earth without which the earthââ¬â¢s temperature would drop drastically. Conservatives believe that till date there is no credible or reliable information about the phenomenon of Global warming. A thorough study of the Geologic time scale would reveal that instances of global warming has even occurred in the past with temperatures of Earth exceeding than what it is today. The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is one of the most recent cases of Global warming said to have occurred almost 56 million years ago (Bowen et al, 2004, p.495). This not only caused warm temperature conditions but also caused release of almost 2000 x 109 metric tons of carbonà into the ocean waters causing ocean acidification, a phenomenon which can be seen today (Zachos et al, 2005, p.1611). Today rapid acidification is attributed to global warming however such acidification is known to occur thousands of years ago when manââ¬â¢s harmful anthropogenic activities did not exists. Global warming is known to be the major cause of melting of ice caps and rising of the water level. However, recent studies of the polar ice caps have shown that in most areas of the Arctic the ice caps have thickened. GIS images have shown that in 2012 polar ice-caps covered almost 3.91 square kilometers whereas as of 2014 the polar ice-caps cover almost 5.62 million square kilometers which is in contrast to the global warming model (Rose, 2014). If manââ¬â¢s activities were to be the cause of global warming then such a phenomenon would not have occurred since Man
About Articles Of Confederation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
About Articles Of Confederation - Essay Example The confirmations by the 13 states involved were accomplished in early 1781. Before the ratification was complete, the article provided local and international legality for the continental congress to direct America evolutionally war. In addition, the article could conduct mediation with Europe and also deal with territorial affairs. However, the feeble government produced by the article became an issue of concern for nationalists involved. The confederation article had a lot of weaknesses. Firstly, it had a unicameral legislature which allowed a single vote per state. This unicameral legislature left the countries with only one legislative or parliamentary chamber. This was because the majority could not vote to pass legislation and amend the articles as they wanted. The article left the 13 states and the central government without the separation of powers. In additional to these problems, central government had no power to collect taxes, raise an army, or even control trade. With the one vote per state to change or amend the article, it left the 13 nations plus the central government without the division of powers. With a 2/3 majority need to pass laws made the changing of the article difficult. In order to make the changes on the article, they needed 9 of the 13 states to approve which was very difficult. 1. This shows that the article left the central government weak since the states maintained a majority of power. Limits in the article The delegates to the first and second congresses did not fix the terms of service. However, the members of the congress under the confederation articles were selected by state legislature annually. With the restriction that, no single person would be able to become a representative for more than three years. This is found in confederation article (v). This made the first national legislative body in the United States to operate with term limitations. During the time of confederation article existence, the service of delegate who had violated the term restrictions was challenged many times. The congress organized a committee on qualifications to determine whether any of the members were tarrying beyond their appointed terms. One of the delegates found was Samuel Osgood of Massachusetts. He was found ineligible for the service because he had served for three years after the ratification of the Articles. This caused Osgood to withdrawn from the office 3. Other del egates were investigated, primarily for serving beyond the one year for which they had been elected. Other controversies ensured that over the exact date of electing the delegates from Rhode Island, and they refused to vacate from their seats. The concern was that prolonging the controversy would disrupt the proceedings of congress; the Committee of Qualification dropped the matter. In many ways, the limit of the confederation article has helped the operation of the congress today. Firstly, it has come up with good constitution that governs citizens in a better way. Presidents now cannot exceed certain term set by the constitution. This allows more people to participate in the offices and bring change in the country in question. It has also improved the democracy of citizens where they are able to vote for the leaders they desire and think they will rule them the best 3. The limitation on raising an army has led to reduction of war among states because the nation had lived together for a long period without fighting. Article 10 made provision for functioning of the committee of state and for the possible admission of Canada 4.This shows that, if this article was carried out, Canada
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Top paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Top - Research Paper Example enic activities such as burning of fossil fuels and emission of green house gases have been said to be the prime suspects many conservative scientists still believe that Global warming is a natural phenomenon and not a man-made one. After the Earthââ¬â¢s origin the temperature of the earth has changed continuously throughout the geologic time period. As a matter of fact global warming is an important phenomenon that is important for survival of life on Earth without which the earthââ¬â¢s temperature would drop drastically. Conservatives believe that till date there is no credible or reliable information about the phenomenon of Global warming. A thorough study of the Geologic time scale would reveal that instances of global warming has even occurred in the past with temperatures of Earth exceeding than what it is today. The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is one of the most recent cases of Global warming said to have occurred almost 56 million years ago (Bowen et al, 2004, p.495). This not only caused warm temperature conditions but also caused release of almost 2000 x 109 metric tons of carbonà into the ocean waters causing ocean acidification, a phenomenon which can be seen today (Zachos et al, 2005, p.1611). Today rapid acidification is attributed to global warming however such acidification is known to occur thousands of years ago when manââ¬â¢s harmful anthropogenic activities did not exists. Global warming is known to be the major cause of melting of ice caps and rising of the water level. However, recent studies of the polar ice caps have shown that in most areas of the Arctic the ice caps have thickened. GIS images have shown that in 2012 polar ice-caps covered almost 3.91 square kilometers whereas as of 2014 the polar ice-caps cover almost 5.62 million square kilometers which is in contrast to the global warming model (Rose, 2014). If manââ¬â¢s activities were to be the cause of global warming then such a phenomenon would not have occurred since Man
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Local or National Healthcare Policy or Regulation Problem Essay
Local or National Healthcare Policy or Regulation Problem - Essay Example For instance, the victims were found not be involved in physical activities that assist in cutting down body fats (Natarajan, 2010). In addition, their lifestyles were questionable. Through the information found in the report, healthcare policy makers can be able to embark on ways in which to assist the obese people. Obesity viewed as a failure of an individual by uncontrolled eating, lack of exercise among other poor health practices (Natarajan, 2010). The author of the article was biased with regard to the subject of obesity. The author outlines the factors that influenced obesity to be only personal factors like reckless eating habits and lack of physical exercise. Nevertheless, obesity is also genetic, and at times, it is a medical condition. Even when an individual tries to cut down fatty foods, the individual is still termed as obese (Natarajan, 2010). Therefore, lifestyle cannot be considered the only reason for obesity. Therefore, when addressing the issue healthcare managers and policy makers should not be biased and should not blame the victims for their health condition. Instead, the individuals should be addressed appropriately without hurting their feelings. The author supports the information in the article by providing some statistical evidence of how the obese people conduct their lives. As a result, a number of obese victims were found to live a reckless life and were lazy to get involved in physical activities. The author further adds that if the condition is not controlled healthcare providers will undergo an extra cost in dealing with obese people. In addition, the author adds, people should understand the factors that enhance obesity to control the problem. Obesity raises a number of health concerns, and if proper assistance provided the issue can be tackled (Natarajan, 2010). Obesity is a global concern and the healthcare providers and policy makers should address the issue with
Monday, October 14, 2019
Organizational Change Essay Example for Free
Organizational Change Essay An organization is a social system that consists of individuals with a common or agreed objectives (Barzilai). The study of the kinds of systems involved in an organization, which help it meet its different concerns, refers to organizational theory. Organizational theory consists of ââ¬Å"individual processes, group processes and organizational processes (Barzilai).â⬠à à à à à à à à à à à When an organization wants to entertain changes in its operations as a result of poor performance, or a gap between the desired performance and actual performance as in the given example, the stakeholders affected should be a major consideration. à à à à à à à à à à à In many organizations, shrinking the budget is a common remedy, in order to better allocate scarce resources while at the same time ensuring the productivity of the organization (Tjosvold Poon, 1998). One way of cutting costs in an organization is by reducing personnel, which can be challenging to implement. à à à à à à à à à à à One of the major challenges that an organization desiring to implement changes would have to face is the general attitude of resistance to change, common to employees or members in the lower rungs of the organization (Piderit, 2000). This is especially true in the given scenario because it has been a long time since the organization implemented changes in its structure. à à à à à à à à à à à While resistance to change is often viewed negatively as a form of disobedience or unwillingness to support the management, management should see such resistance to change as the employeesââ¬â¢ means of showing their concern and expressing their views to the management (Piderit, 2000). Therefore, as studies suggest, the whole organization must learn how to adapt to change, mainly by gathering employee support to organizational changes (Piderit, 2000). References Barzilai, K. Organizational Theory. Retrieved October 18, 2007, from à à à à à à à à à à à Piderit, S. K. (2000). Rethinking Resistance and Recognizing Ambivalence: A à à Multidimensional View of Attitudes toward an Organizational Change. [Electronic à à à à version]. The Academy of Management Review 25(4), 783-794. Tjosvold, D. Poon, M.à (1998). Dealing with Scarce Resources: Open-Minded Interaction for Resolving Budget Conflicts. Group Organization Management à à à à à à 23(3): 237-255
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Importance and Benefits of Energy Conservation
Importance and Benefits of Energy Conservation Energy is defined as the capacity of a physical system to perform work. In other words, It can be explained as the ability to perform or complete any type of work whether it is physical or mental activity. We can also explain ââ¬Å"energyâ⬠which includes physical movements like shifting something from one place to another, warming something or lighting something. Energy exists in numerous forms such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, electrical or many other forms. It can be better described by giving the below mentioned natural example of environment, it shows a chain cycle of converting different forms of energy into heat and power: Oil burns to make heat Heat boils water Water turns to steam Steam pressure turns a turbine Turbine turns an electric generator Generator produces electricity Electricity powers light bulbs Light bulbs give off light and heat We utilize energy in different forms in our daily routine life and cannot think even about to survive without it. We use energy to light our homes and for street lighting as well, to be able to power machineries and equipments in factories, helps to cook our food, for playing music and operating televisions and many more every day regular uses. Energy Conservation: It is the practice of reducing the quantity of energy used. It may be attained through efficient energy use; in this case, energy use is decreased at the same time getting a same outcome as a result, or by reduced consumption of energy services. It is one of the easiest processes to help the globe by means of pollution in addition to make use of natural energy. It may result in increase of financial capital, better environmental results, national security, personal security and human comfort. Individuals and companies are called as direct consumers of energy may need to conserve energy so as to reduce energy expenses and promote economic security. Industrial and business class users may want to increase the efficiency and as a result, it maximizes their benefits as well. Energy conservation is the reduction or removal of unnecessary or unwanted energy use. Importance Of Energy Conservation: Energy conservation plays a significant role of lessening climate change. It helps the replacement of non-renewable resources with renewable energy. Energy conservation is often the most inexpensive solution to energy shortages, and it is more environmentally kind alternative to increased energy production. Since, we have limited quantity of non-renewable energy resources available on earth, it is very important to preserve energy from our current supply or to utilize renewable resources so that it is also available to our future generations. Energy conservation plays a very important role because utilization of non-renewable resources also impacts our environment. Specially, usage of fossil fuels supplies to air and water pollution such as carbon dioxide is produced when oil, coal and gas combust in power stations, heating systems, and engines of car. As we all aware of that carbon dioxide works as a transparent layer in the atmosphere that is part of the cause to the global warming of the earth, or we can also name it as greenhouse effect. Global warming has its own consequences in our atmosphere. It has its deadly effects like spreading of different diseases, warmer waters and more chances of hurricanes, financial costs, polar ice melting, increased chances and intensity of heat waves. Ozone depletion is the reduction of the protection layer of ozone in the uppermost atmosphere by chemical pollution. Ozone layer is the protection line between earth and the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. People who have more exposure to UV radiation can have some health problems like DNA damage, skin cancer, aging and other problems related to skin. There could be some possible issues that include a danger to human body health, impact on environment like rising sea levels, and major changes in vegetation growth methods. When coal is burned, it realises sulphur dioxide into the air and therefore, it reacts with water and oxygen in the clouds and forms acid rain. Acid rain kills fish and trees and also damage limestone buildings and statutes. These types of global problems can be resolved. As per the data of United States calculated per year, we found that the average familys energy uses produces over 11,200 pounds of air pollutants. Therefore, every unit of kilowatt of electricity preserved diminishes the natural environment impact of energy use. There are some facts which considerably decrease the utility bills of a family. Following are some points covered in Pollution Prevention (P2) concepts which help you to control energy use and methods to conserve energy:- Altering what you normally use in your daily routine: You should walk or ride a bicycle instead of driving a car and as a result, it emits to roughly 60% of air pollution. At our homes, you should use lights which consume less energy and continue till 10 times more than bright light bulbs. For saving energy in normal daily routine activities like we should air dry our clothes rather than using dryers. We should fit a thermostat which regulates the temperature automatically. Search for that energy appliances which reduce your monthly electricity bills. Changing your activities you do in your everyday practice: You should plant trees close to your window for natural air, so there will be less usage of air conditioners. Recycle items used in household activities such as cans, plastic water bottles, and newspapers. It saves energy and raw material for making the same product. Wash down clothes in filled loads in washing machine and in cold water. Use settings on washing machines, dryers and dishwashers for saving energy. Set the room temperature in thermostat up to 65O F when you are at home and decrease the temperature to 55O F, when you are going to sleep. Lastly, you should improve your housekeeping habits in such a way that saves more energy like turning off lights when you are not present in room or not at home, close your heating vents and doors in rooms which are not utilizing any more, clean your air filters regularly in winters as well as in summers, it will work more powerfully and for long period as well. For making a proper use of energy and conserving it, you should share and communicate these facts and information with others in your family, friends and neighbours. There are many other activities which help people to do with conserving or saving energy. For example, we can take the example of a light bulb we use for lighting our homes; we could also recycle it and can utilize solar energy instead of using electricity during the day. Conserving energy is very important for the reasons that we use most of the energy resources are non-renewable. So as to make proper utilization of these resources, we require finding to begin our search for natural resources. We should use wind power, solar power energy, hydroelectricity, and bio-fuels and as a result that will make our environment healthier and better. (United States Environmental Protection Agency, August 1997) As far as the question of living and non-living factors are concerned, the non living factors like sunlight, temperature, rainfall, water and soil. Both the sunlight and the temperature contribute to the energy consumption. If we could use the sunlight in place of light switches in the home as well as we can open the windows instead of running the air conditioners that can also cuts out a tremendous amount of electricity that we can utilize later on. In case of water, instead of making use of non-renewable source of energy to recycle the used water or overflow, the plants can be way out to using solar powered and wind powered energy instead. For the soil, option to men farming by hand rather than machines. If we would grow our own gardens at home instead of running to the vegetable store for tomatoes or other vegetables, we have many natural resources available to make use of, so that we become always be active and not lazy. As far as it is related to living factors, which also contributes to energy consumption are animals like herbivores, carnivores and omnivores; human beings and marine life. In above all, only human beings are the main contributors. We are using the natural energy available to us and also sometimes damage the environment to some extent. (Basics of Energy Efficient Living: A Beginners Guide to Alternative Energy and Home Energy Savings by Lonnie Wibberding, 2006) Sustainability is a planned method focused by a good business judgement to decrease operating cost and to increase ROI (return on investment). A sustainability strategy is also motivated by an increased customers expectation for ââ¬Å"greenâ⬠suppliers and enterprise risk management. I have developed some under mentioned sustainability strategies and their solutions that will educate and illustrate the members of our society:- Sustainability Goals: Social Goals Ecological Goals Social Goals: Improve human health and safety: It is designed to develop and put into practice a structure for health which will ultimately enhance personal and organizational health and well-being as well as improve safety and security. Following action plans should be taken into consideration:- Set up measurements and situate targets for promoting health and wellness. Expand and apply an early interference program to support the improvement and go back to work Settle on efficiency of active tools Promote new software and data collection systems Increase current programs and journal articles that support health Ecological Goals: Reduce pollution Conserve resources Reduce pollution: It reduces greenhouse gas releases and develop air quality. It also reduces all forms of water and gets better waste removal procedures. It also make better storm water quality Following under mentioned points should be taken into concerned:- Buy BC Hydrogen green energy certificates Build up a transportation graph to maintain annual average automobile traffic campus Support the purchase of local products or commodities whenever possible To extend new programmes to instruct the society concerning the significance of waste management Create clear principle for waste management and utilize of recycled materials Enlarge programs to decrease the amount of dangerous waste generated Conserve Resources: It diminishes non-renewable energy consumption and reduces water consumption and use of paper. Discover the usage of renewable sources of energy like hydrogen power, micro hydro, ground resources heat pumps, and incorporated photovoltaic knowledge To make sure new building designs, both residential and institutional, think about future change to alternate energy sources To plan new buildings to decrease the usage of water Diminish irrigation requires during landscape plan, and other programmes planned to conserve water To grow and execute campus-wide procedure for exchanging from paper to paper on-line communications for mainly inner operations To increase alternatives for purchasing paper with recycled content (The Sustainability Strategy, May, 2006) We are facing some problems related to power shortage because everyone cannot afford the electricity bills. So, we should plan to do some point urgently to get out of this wasteful style affecting all sectors in our economy. The under mentioned energy conservation measures have been taken by the government to solve our energy problems:- Installation of efficient power plants: For planning efficiency, we should bring havoc in terms of economic issues and environmental pollution. We can find that combined cycle power plant is being installed with inlet cooling to make sure the power plant can function at peak efficiency and peak capacity in summers. Power generation in industrial and commercial sectors is also a source of immense waste. To encourage high efficiency, special incentives should be offered to industries and commercial complexes to encourage efficient utilization. Also, high efficiency installations should be provided gas on a year round basis where load shedding is followed in winter. Efficient steam or hot water production: There are many companies even now operating boilers by making use of our costly gas. All these steam/hot water needs can be effectively formed which means with the similar gas consumption we can produce hundreds of megawatt of power and as a result can meet altogether the steam/hot water requirements. Efficient central air-conditioning:- The government sanctioned many companies to install centralised air-conditioning without making sure of economical utilization. Time is passing out and proper steps should be planned for reasonable power as soon as possible. (Paper Articles on Urgent energy conservation steps needed, January, 2009) References United States Environmental Protection Agency. (August 1997). Energy conservation pollution prevention (P2). Lonnie Wibberding. (2006). Basics of Energy Efficient Living: A Beginners Guide to Alternative Energy and Home Energy Savings . Inspirations and Aspirations: The Sustainability Strategy. (May, 2006). Paper articles on Urgent energy conservation steps needed. (January, 2009).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
NAFTA and Mexico Essay -- essays research papers fc
Mexicoââ¬â¢s economy is undergoing a stunning transformation. Seven years after the launch of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is fast becoming an industrial power. Free trade with the U.S. and Canada is turning the country from a mere assembler of cheap, low-quality goods into a reliable exporter of sophisticated products from auto breaks to laptops computers. Although Mexico has seen economic growth lately, it still faces tremendous problems in the aftermath of the 1995 recession and the revolution that took place in the Chiapas which still wages on today. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects that NAFTA has had on the economy and itââ¬â¢s people during the implementation of NAFTA and in what NAFTA will bring in the future. The North American Free Trade Agreement was designed to open borders and promote free trade between three countries: Canada, the United States and Mexico. Signed in 1992, ratified by the U.S. Congress in November 1993 and implemented January 1, 1994, NAFTA reduced some tariffs immediately while others are scheduled to fall to zero over a 15-year period. NAFTA follows the prescription of liberalization- including the deregulation of government restrictions to allow increased trade, direct foreign investment, and foreign ownership of businesses. à à à à à On January 1, 1994, a Mexico still sleepy from New Yearââ¬â¢s celebrations awoke to discover a passionate new revolution sweeping across the state of Chiapas. The Zapatistas, a small, yet powerfully forceful group of indigenous people, exhausted from centuries of oppression, poverty and corruption, rose up to end this societal injustice, and most specifically, to battle the new tyrant that would be born that very day: The North American Free Trade Agreement. This revolt was viewed by the indigenous population of Chiapas as an essential act to stop the debilitating cycle of injustice and to prevent future harm to the Mexican people by opposing NAFTA. ââ¬Å"The Zapatistas have pulled back the curtain that covered up the other Mexico. It is not the Mexico of eager entrepreneurs lined up to open Pizza Hut franchises or consumers eager to shop at Wal-Mart, but rather the Mexico of malnourished children, illiteracy, landlessness, poor roads, lack of health clinics, and life as a permanent struggle.â⬠(Quoted in Russell, p. 1) à à à à à NAFTA was ... ...nmental Issues Under the NAFTA. Canadian ââ¬â American Committee. Toronto: 1993. Marinez, Elizabeth and Arnoldo Garica. (No Date). What is ââ¬Å"Neo Liberalismâ⬠? [Online]. Avaible: à à à à à (June 27-29, 1997). NAFTAââ¬â¢s Failure to Deliver [Online]. Available: à à à à à http://www/ Nelan, Bruce W. (April 4, 1994). Days of Trauma and Fear [Online]. Available: à à à à à Perlo, Vicotr. (March 4, 1995). The Rape of Mexico [Online]. Available: à à à à à ââ¬Å"The President, the peso, the market and those Indians.â⬠The Economist 24 Dec 1994: 43. Russell, Philip. The Chiapas Rebellion. Mexico Resource Center. Austin: 1995 Shadows of Tender Fury: The Letters and Communiques of Subcomandante Marcos and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. Monthy Review Press. New York: 1995 Wise, Carol. ââ¬Å"The Post-NAFTA Political Economy.â⬠Mexico and the Western Hemisphere. Pennsylvania State University Press: September 1998.
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